Chapter 19

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Natalie's POV

"Okay. Step, step, step, step, step, spin, bend, bow. Got it?" I nod my head at my father's directions. I take a moment to memorize them, then as he plays the music we begin dancing. We move in sync as he hums the familiar tune of Billie Jean, and I cannot help the smile on my face. 

"Good!" He calls as we repeat the movements. Towards the end we begin performing unassigned movements, and when I break into the moonwalk dad cheers extra loud. "That's my girl!"

Suddenly there are a few taps on the large wooden door leading into the ball room we are rehearsing in. Dad and I stop in our tracks and turn our gazes to the figure standing in the doorway, and when I realize who it is I run in for an embrace.

"Uncle Barry!" I call as I wrap my arms around him.

"Hi there, sweetheart. You're just getting better and better aren't you?" He rubs my back. When I pull away he looks at my dad with a half smirk on his face. "Michael."

"How do you do?" Dad nods his head.  

"I heard the good news," Barry keeps his arm on my shoulder. "Congratulations."

"Somewhat." I mumble. Dad and Barry peer at me, but do not bother to comment on my interjection. 

"Have you selected the songs in which you will perform?" Barry asks, the receiving an excited nod from me. 

"Since Natalie is the star now, I allowed her to choose our performance tools," dad explains. "I felt it was only fair."

Barry nods his head and shoots a smile down at me. "I can agree with that solemnly," he looks back up at dad. "What is on the list?"

Dad looks at me, and my stomach drops. For some reason I become extremely nervous and pressured to answer such an easy question. I slowly step away from Barry and take a deep breath. "Well, I decided we had to do You Are Not Alone. Dad taught me how to control my breathing so that I could hold the long note at the end, and so I thought that was one we had to show everybody."

"I could agree with that." Barry nods in approval. "What else?"

"Billie Jean; because I've been dancing to that song since I could remember. And we were just practicing it. We're gonna sing You Rock My World. Oh! And we're gonna do You Are My Life. Paris and I made a whole slideshow of all of our baby pictures and old family photos to play in the background during the performance."

Barry gives a wide-lipped smile. He seems more happy with that description than any other. "I can picture that," he laughs then. "No pun intended." Dad laughs and puts his head down with a happy smile plastered on his face. 

"You're more than welcome to stay and watch the rehearsal, Barry, but we really should be getting back to work. First concert is a month from today." Dad suggests kindly, receiving a gentle nod from Barry. 

"Fair enough." Barry places a kiss on the top of my head, then takes a step back. I walk over to dad as he nods for Barry to play You Rock My World from the top. We begin dancing, and I realize that this is probably the most fun I have ever had in my entire life. 

By the time the dancing part of the rehearsal is over, I am out of breath, and dad is sweating up a storm. Barry claps from inside the sound booth, and I smile and wave at him. "You Are My Life!" I mouth. Barry smiles and nods, then plays the track as dad and I make our way to the sound booth. We put our headphones on and step up to our assigned microphones.

I sway to the first few beats as dad begins to sing. His voice still gives me chills to this day. 

As "You suddenly appeared, it was cloudy before, but now it's all clear. . ." I joined my dad in harmony. He finished the rest of the first verse, then we came together again for the chorus. It was finally my turn for the second verse. I was nervous, but I did it. 

When the song was over, I ran over to dad and wrapped my arms around him. I am overwhelmed with joy and happiness. Though there is so much happening right now with him and me and our family, I know that it is us that will always come first. And it scares me that bad people are after him. It scares me even more that they are kind of after me, too. 

As I hug my father I have a mental discussion with myself. This concert is going to be the best concert yet. I know that I am the key to solving this entire issue, so I will make it my best performance ever. I will do whatever I can--whatever I have to to make this end once and for all. To get dad's career back on track, and to keep our family safe and happy again. 

"This is going to be fun." I smile up at my dad. I can tell that he was a little fearful and anxious, but after hearing my words, he broke into tears of joy. I know he's proud of me, and I am so proud of him, too.

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