{8: New friends}

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[Yo and his comic book]

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[Yo and his comic book]

Yo sat in his tiny dorm, head buried in the newest chapter of his favorite comic, 'One Piece.' But don't be fooled, the boy wasn't reading. Instead, he was having a little personal freak out session waiting for Pha to somehow find a reason to visit the hallway of his dorm. Of course, that was unlikely.

He put the comic down frustratedly, deciding that he had to see for himself that there was truly no one out in the hallway. Tip-toeing to the door, Yo cracked it open and peeked out, searching the length of the hallways on both sides but to no avail. In dismay, he shut the door and walked downcast to his unfinished read, picking it back up to try to continue it. Just then, Yo received a call.

 Just then, Yo received a call

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[Looking for Pha]

"Mm, what's up?" Yo smiled into the receiver.

"Wanna have a drink? At the bar near my dorm," his best friend asked.

Yo brightened up at the suggestion. He felt way too anxious and stressed and a drink was just the thing he needed to loosen up.

"Okay! Let's Go!" 

"Also," Ming added, "some of my faculty mates are joining.'

"Great! There aren't many guys in my faculty so it's good to make some new friends," Yo replied.

"Want me to pick you up?" Ming asked his best friend.

"It's fine, I'll go by myself," Yo said before hanging up the phone and getting ready.

A few moments later, Yo was up and ready, locking his door behind him before rushing down the hallway to meet his friend. The dorm was an old structure that had been at the campus for years. But that also meant that unlike other dorms, there were no lifts to make climbing up the 5 flights of stairs to his room easier. That also meant that Yo had to put aside extra travel time due to the inconvenient tediousness that was the stairs.

2 Moons the Series: 2 Moons In LoveWhere stories live. Discover now