Surprise H.H

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Baby Boy: Hey, babe,  we need to talk. Please come home soon!
Baby Girl: Baby? What's wrong? Everything okay?
Baby Boy: Yeah, um, we'll talk about it when you get home.

My heart sank. Was he gonna break up with me!? Tears started to roll down my eyes. What did I do wrong! I thought things where going great, but I suppose not.

I pull into the garage and run up stairs.
"Harry?" I call out. I walk into the living room to see Harry on one knee holding roses. I cup my face in surprise.
"Harry?" I questioned.
"Y/n, the past 5 years, have been the best years of my entire life-" I started to cry trying to hold back my sobs.
"I don't want to spend one more day not being able to call you mine. In the morning, you are my sunshine, and at night you are my stars. Your my everything! So please, Y/n y/l/n will you do me the honor of marrying me?"
As he was speaking, you slowly walk over to him. You wipe away your tears then nod your head repeatedly and say "yes" over and over again.
"Really!?" He says.
"Yes! Harry I will!" He stands up and slips the ring onto your finger. He wrapped you into a hug then you hear Tom, Harrison, Sam, and Jacob all pop out from there hiding spaces and cheer. "SHE SAID YES!" The boys shouted.
Harry started to cry and hug you tightly.
"You've made me the happiest man alive!" He said crying into your shoulder.
"You've made me the happiest women on earth!" You said rubbing his back.

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