When the Lights Are Dim

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(If you want to see the scene I'm talking about later on in the story, skip this yt video to the time 0:36 and watch it but not until you've read the story, mmk?)

We were right in the middle of Lying is the Most Fun and I was dripping with sweat, almost completely out of breath. I looked over at Ryan and smiled as he whipped his hair as he strummed his guitar violently.

"Dance to this beat!" he sang into the mic.

"Testosterone boys and harlequin girls!" I sang with the remaining breath I had left.

"Dance to this beat and hold a lover clooose..." his voice was my favorite thing to listen to.

Touring with Ryan had several perks: A lot of quiet time, so many great ideas for songs, and someone beautiful look at when you're stressed. I would never let myself admit it before but, goddamn he's pretty. I don't care what anyone thinks. I don't care what the guys think, I don't care what my parents think, I want him all to myself.

Once my 'piano solo' was finished and all the crowd had began to roar, I calmly stood up, tripping a little from the lack of oxygen. Ryan slung the guitar over his head and placed it on it's stand. The whole crew  began shuffling off of the stage. Zack moved us all into the dressing room backstage. I quickly unbuttoned my shirt and grabbed a towel to wipe off my face. Ryan tossed his purple coat and collapsed onto the couch followed by Spencer and then me.

"It's hot out there." Spencer spoke breathlessly.

"Ugh." Ryan groaned, looking flushed.

"At least you're not singing, I had to struggle to even get the air into my lungs." I complained.

"You still did good though." Ryan said.

"Thanks." I replied, trying not to sound like I cared too much because I did.

Jon joined us on the arm of the couch. The four of us fell silent as we listened to the actors during intermission.

"Let's start off with Ryan." the actor read off of the card as the crowd screamed. "Ryan's the intellectual type. He likes reading books and taking pictures. But I bet you didn't know he really enjoys kick boxing."

Ryan shot up and looked confused. He knew that that was not what was written on that card originally. He wrote out the cards so I could tell he was confused.

"But you know what they say about kick boxers, right? They have buns of steel." She recited.

"What?!" Ryan yelled.

I was the first to burst out into a laughing fit. The others followed close behind.

"Brendon, did you tell her to say that?!"He asked.

"Yes." I said between laughs.

Every trace of white in Ryan face had been replaced with bright pink.

"What the fuck! Why would you do that?!" Ryan shouted at me.

I just gave him an amused stare. I knew he actually didn't know why but I wasn't just going to tell him right there.

"You know, you've been really weird and sexual lately... Especially to me-"

"Well, really only toward you." I chuckled.

"Brendon! Why? Why are you embarrassing me?" he asked as he stood up and began pacing in front of me.

"That wasn't my intention." I confessed.

"Then what was it?" Ryan asked calmly and sounding a little more like Ryan.

I stared at him again but without a trace of amusement. This was a question I knew I didn't know how to answer and I wasn't going to. Ryan's face softened and it looked as if he had just realized something.

When the Lights Are Dim ((Ryden))Where stories live. Discover now