Chapter 2 i hate airports

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I arrive at the airport ,  with a foolish grin on my face and a skip in my steps . I stride over and check in my bags,  when a lady with blonde and pink hair scuttles over ,the name tag dangling on her chest reads, "Louise" .

She exhales and gives me a weary smile . "are you Robert? gate 23A? For London?" She asks, "yes ..." I say raising an eye brow sceptically. Her eyes grow to the size of sauce pans , Her hand shoots Up to cover her mouth as she mumbles "Oh dear" ; I start to feel my heart pounding as I nervously question her reaction "w-what's wrong?" I ask stumbling on my own words .

"well your plane has been waiting for you for 10 minuets .. it boarded about 30 minuets ago! If I were you I'd start running" She said rather quickly .

"Wait what!" I exclaim in shock , pulling my hand through my fringe frantically. She looks me in the eyes , a concerned look on her face . She hesitates slightly then a look of determination fills her expression. "I know I shouldn't do this but come with me" , she grabs my hand pulling me with her , as we weave through crowds people . "Sorry!" , "pardon" , "excuse me" , I shout  as I bump in to literally everyone, I get a few grunts and annoyed sighs in return .

We arrive ...  ! "A buggy ?!" I shout , waving my hands in the air . "HOP ON!" She practically shouts as she slides in the drivers seat and turns the keys, tossing her blonde and pink hair out of her face . I clumsily climb into the buggy and sit next to her while pulling my fingers through my hair In frustration and worry - VROOOM- " OH MY GOSH" I shout, as I grasp onto Louise's arm so I don't fall off the FRICKEN buggy ! " IF YOU WANNA GET THERE IN TIME YOU GOTTA HOLD ON TIGHT!" She yells as she makes a sharp turn almost sending me flying out the non existing car door . "IM GUNNA VOMI-SCREETCH - "hop out!" She shouts shoving me out the buggy .

I stumble over and as soon as I gained my vision and feel less like I've been put into a washing machine on the intensive cycle I rush over to the lady at the check in . She scowls at me and asks in a harsh tone " your Robert?!" . I swallow down my nerves and respond with "yes and I'm so sorry" - "I don't wanna hear it " she answers sharply . Her name tag reads cat . "Well um , cat , this gentleman here got the wrong time , well ... because , I may have messed up the times , slightly" cats head snaps over to look at Louise and silence ... "well I have my bording pass" I half whisper half say , as I slide my boarding pass onto cats desk . "Louise ... you mess up this gentleman's time , and then make him sit through your reckless driving and let me lecture him like that?!" She shouts , "well um I'm sorry .." Louise says while she fumbles with the rim of her skirt. "I'm so sorry sir !" Cat turns to me , a fake smile plastered on her face "um ...for what?" I ask "this stupid excuse for a flight attendant" cat practically spits out , making direct eye contact with Louise . "No it's honestly fine" I say feeling a bit useless at this moment .*beep* , "well here's your boarding pass , enjoy your flight" she says with that same fake smile playing at her lips.  "I'll take you on board" Louise mumbles . I follow her and when I know cat is out of ear shot , I attack Louise In a bear hug and say "it's gunna be ok ..."

Thank you so much for reading this guys! I'm sorry I haven't been abled to do a part 2 in a loooong time but I'm back! Also I'm so sorry I made Cat the bad guy 😂 let me know what you think by commenting (I read them all ) and once again thanks

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