One night with 'P'

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I've been waiting for this night for weeks and it's finally here!
Tonight I'm off out to see a Prince tribute band fronted by the lovely jimmy lust.
My make up is on,  hair done to perfection and clothes picked to catch the eye.

The taxi arrives and I check my look in the mirror for one last time.

I arrive at the venue, the doors are open and I head straight to the bar and order a drink. I can feel the excitement bubbling away inside of me. I'm feeling slightly overdressed at this point. Most are just in casual clothes and I'm here dressed in a leather jacket, mini skirt, thigh boots and Prince t shirt!
Finally though it's time to head to my seat. I'm on the upper circle front row. The place is filling up nicely with all ages.
Finally after what seems ages the house lights go down.....

They start with a great opening crowd pleaser ' let's go crazy' !and I'm up and dancing!
Jimmys voice is hypnotic, I hang on every word he sings. The crowd are dancing and Clapping along but I feel like I'm the only one in the theatre and he's just singing to me.
Not that he can see me up here! I'm too high up.
The hits keep coming, little red corvette, when doves cry, the cross, sexy mf, and time just stands still.
3 hours later and the final encore is played...Purple Rain.
Of all the songs,  this is the one I've been waiting for,  the one I love.
Jimmys guitar strikes up its opening chords....

I swear he's looking at me.
He can't be, not all the way up here but I feel his eyes looking into mine.
" Purple rain, purple rain, I only want to see u bathing in the Purple rain"..
I can feel my heartbeat quicken.
The guitar solo kicks in and I'm lost in the music.
I come back to earth when the house lights go up. It's time to leave so I grab my bag and head to the stairs.
I get to the main doors and can't decide whether to head towards the stage door which is round the back or make my way home.
I hover for a second then make my way round to the stage door.

There is a group of ladies standing there, and in the center of them is Jimmy.
I turn to leave.

I see Jimmy surrounded by a group of fans. For a split second I think about turning round and leaving, then I here " hey"....
It's jimmy calling me over.
I walk slowly over to him.
"Hi " I say alittle nervous.
"I saw you on the balcony. ..did u have a good time?" He asks
"Yes it was amazing!"I reply shyly
"Which was your favourite song?" He continues
"Purple Rain" I reply
"Yes its one of mine too, I cud see u singing along" he says
I blush alittle and smile "it always gets to me, I get lost in it "
"Yes I was watching you" he replies
I knew it! I wasn't wrong! He was watching me!
"Would you like a drink?" He offers
"Erm...yes please a cola wud be lovely thanks" I reply
"Come on the bus, we have plenty on there " he turns to the rest of the group and says " well its been lovely meeting you all and thank you for coming" and leads me to the coach doorsteps.
He coach is a little like the tardis, looks small but bigger inside.
Jimmy leads me to a seat and goes to grab me a coke.
I look around. Cool seating area with a tv and dvd player mounted on the coach wall. Behind me is a sort of kitchen area and from what I can see some sort of bathroom area beyond that. At the front are stairs leading to the beds I think.
Jimmy comes back with my can " there u go,straight from the fridge"
"Thanks " I say taking the can from him.
"So....u came here alone, no boyfriend, husband?" He asks
I smile,  well that's a leading question I think to myself. " yes I came alone, and no no boyfriend or husband " I laugh
"Ah" he smiles back at me.
"No girlfriend or wife?" I ask back
"No, this is my family" he says
I'm not sure at this point what to make of this situation so I take a sip of my can.
" your very pretty u know" he says
"Well thank you, your quite handsome urself " I start " I'm also not backward in coming forward." I laugh " so what do u want from me?." I say looking straight into his eyes.
"Hmmm u don't mess about do u?" He says while staring back at me.
"Well,your only here for tonight, that's how it goes, so why waste time with chit chat" I answer
Jimmy laughs out loud "well there's nothing like laying your cards on the table, and talking of laying..and to answer your question. ..I want to lay you!" He says.
I like a man who says what he wants. Makes life so much easier.
" Well, it just so happens I want to lay you too" I lean in and whisper in his ear.
Now the only problem I can see with this scenario is where? We are not the only people on this coach and the though of doing it in a bunk doesn't really appeal to me at this point.
Well I didn't have to long to wait for my answer.
The other band members start to head up the stairs and jimmy takes my hand and leads me up the stairs behind them.
We pass all these bunks to a door at the end, jimmy opens it, and to my amazement I'm faced with a double bed.
I look at jimmy and he says " some of the band invite partners to stay"
"Oh.... handy" I reply
"Very handy in this case" he replies with a smirk on his face
Jimmy leads me into this room and closes the door. Within a second he is there, hands round my waist kissing my neck.
Wow I could just melt in his arms right now. ...
He takes his arms from around my waist and slowly begins to undress me until I'm down to my underwear. He then removes his own clothes and leads me onto the bed.
I feel no fear,  I want him as much as he wants me.
His eyes are pools you could sink into, his body is exquisite,  a place of Heaven I want to explore.
I have no idea what his cologne is but god it's sexy. If my eyes could of turned red with passion they would of at that point. God I wanted him and by god I was gonna have him!
I take jimmy by surprise and throw him onto his back and sit astride him.
He goes to speak but I put a finger on his lips " shhhhh"
I lean down and begin to kiss his neck, he turns his head away from me and moans softly. I begin to move down the center of his body, leaving a trail of kisses. He knows where I'm heading and he moans again in anticipation.
I use my tongue to tease the tip of his now very hard manhood, he sighs with pleasure, I move away and kiss his inner thigh.
"Baby please....." he moans
"What do u want me to do baby? " I tease
" you know what I want " he moans
" what this?" I reply teasing him with my tongue once more
"Oh god baby don't stop. ...please" he begs
I look up at him while taking him in my mouth and suck gently.
I hear a soft " fuck" leave his lips
I slide my mouth further down his dick and suck, then pull up and tease him with my tongue a bit more.
He arches his back and runs his fingers through my hair while gently pushing my mouth onto his dick.
" Fuck. ...I want u now...." he says hot and breathless
I move very slowly up his body and let him position his hard dick to enter me. I slide my self onto him.
"Ugh...." I sigh, lord that's so good.
I begin to move my body back and forth along his length.
He moans
I moan
I quicken the pace
He grabs my hips, moving me faster along his dick.
His breath quickens, my breath quickens, fuck ....
He thrusts underneath me, then with one big thrust  and a moan of " holy shit!" I feel him cum.
His body shakes with orgasm.
I watch him, the sweat sparkling on his skin.
He becons me down to his lips, we kiss hungry and deep.
He rolls me over not breaking the kiss.
My hands slide down his back to his butt. I squeeze it.
We continue to kiss and explore eachothers bodies with our hands. The connection unbroken.
I begin to feel him harden inside me. He starts to thrust gently at first, getting harder and deeper as he goes.
" Look at me, I want to see your eyes as u cum" he says
I look up at him, and hold his face with my hands.
I bite my lips as I can feel the pleasure rising inside of me.
He smiles knowingly.
He thrusts deeper, hitting that sweet spot.
I moan out loud.
He hits it again and again
Oh lord... I can't hold on any longer
The orgasm hits like a bolt of pure electricity.
Jimmy keeps thrusting.
"Oh fuck...don't stop" I beg him
This is pure heaven.
He slows down, I begin to shake, breathless from pleasure.
We kiss, tongues entwined. Arms entwined. Bodies entwined.
Jimmy strokes my sweat drenched hair off my face.
" wow" is all he can manage to say
I smile.
He let's go of me, I look worried " just getting the covers baby " he reassures me as he pulls the covers over us both.
He puts his arm under my shoulders and we cuddle eachother.
"When do u leave? " I ask dredding the answer.
"About 9 am " he replies
That's 7 hours til I have to say goodbye....
A tear escapes my eyes
" hey baby don't cry, I promise u we'll keep in touch, any time I have off u can come to London or I can come to you." He says
"Really? U want that? " I ask
" you think I do this all the time? Well I don't,  your the first and only one. When I said I want you, I meant it, and not just for one night"  jimmy says

We kiss and make love again, this time softer, slower as in my ear he sings my favourite song.... purple rain.

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