The Introduction (chapter 1)

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         Carlos had his shoes on his desk listening to the teacher's words. But what the teacher said next made everyone jump up, even the Auradon Students. The Teacher had stated that all of the students in this class must spend a week at the Isle of the lost, And the students jumped up again.

"They can't go back there!" Ben Reasoned. "My words are final." The teacher said almost in a cold-like voice.

 The four villains were still in utter shock, They had finally left and now they had to go back? "Now class let me explain my reasons" The teacher stated even colder. "This is so the Auradon kids can learn how to survive in enemy territory. This is also because we could potentially get more students on the side for good, you said it yourself, king benjamin."

 "Now class I believe you have some packing to do," The teacher said with a chuckle." and the villain kids will teach you the ways of the isle, like Ben.

  Ben looked like he was about to explode while the other Auradon kids looked terrified. Mal tried to calm ben down while having an internal screaming moment inside of her head. The teacher waved them out of the class as the bell rang and explained to them that they would be excused from all classes until their "field trip" was over.

  All the villain kids were paired with one Auradon kid, Which was conveniently the one they were dating. Like Carlos and jane. along with Jay and Audrey etc.

  The pairs had to start packing so they went to their dorm partners dorm rooms and started packing for the trip that might even end their relationships. 


Hello, lovely viewers, it's me the author! this is more of a sneak peek than a first chapter but I hope you like it nonetheless i will try to write chapters as much as i can! and i hope you will enjoy them! -bez

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