"Set me up with the toughest three. I will be ready in 10 minutes" I said and walked away.

I went to the changung room and removed my jacket so that I was just in my sports bra and joggers. I wrapped the bandages on my hands and was ready to break some bones. I could hear the announcer's voice. He just declared the match and called my opponent Dragon's name.

As soon as my name was called, I jumped into the ring. Dragon had bulked up a little and looked liked he was training hard. This guy was all about strength and no brains.

As soon as the match began he charged at me like a mad bull. I easily dodged his blows. After a few blows the intensity of his punches decreased a little and I took that opportunity to punch him hard. I punched him twice and then with another hard blow on his head he was knocked out. This was damn easy, I did not enjoy this fight.

After him came the rookie. He was tall and very well built. When the match started we both moved in circles in defensive positions. Hunter seemed smart, he did not just start throwing punches in the air and looked like he was analysing my moves and trying to predict them.

I threw the first punch and he dodged it. I gave another punch and he dodged again. He was trying to fight smartly. This boy did have a brain and he was using it well. I waited till he threw the punch and caught his fist mid air and kicked him in the face. He stumbled back but was quickly back on his feet. His lip was busted but he paid no mind.

He came forward, took his position. We threw punches at each other with very few of them actually having an impact. The game was getting boring, so I decided to make it interesting and end it fast. I faked a kick, he brought his hand to defend himself from the kick but I punched him square in the face. He did not have him time to react or recover. I quickly threw another punch which connected to his jaw and he started to bleed. He coughed up some blood.

Giving him almost no time to recover I punched in the stomach and then his face again. I am sure I must have broken a rib or two and his jaw too. With a round house kick he was knocked out. Having knowledge about the body, its functions, important nerves and points on the body is always good. It gives you an upper hand in the fight.

Next came, The Death Eater. He was one of the most powerful fighters here. He was bald, tall and well built. His muscles were huge and he looked ripped. He came in the ring and we were ready to fight. This one is not going to be easy.

D.E gave his first punch which I barely dodged. He was quick in his movements. He threw punch after punch and I was having a hard time dodging them all. I had to turn the tables soon, I had to gain advantage over him.

When he threw his next punch I caught his fist. I twisted his hand. He tried to punch and kick me so that I would leave his hand but I was in no mood to let go. He head butted me hard, I had to release his hand because of the pain. After twisting his hand, I am sure his wrist must have become weak and if it takes a hard blow it is sure to break.

D.E got aggressive and started throwing punches and kicks at me. Some of them were very hard. He managed to give me some good blows. His punches from the left wrist, the one that I had twisted were weak. I decided to tire him a little so I jumped around the whole ring, dodging his punches and kicks but he still managed to get me a few times.

I decided that the game was getting boring and I had to end soon so, I prepared myself to make a round house kick but he caught ahold of my leg and pushed me to the ground and got me in a choke hold. I tried to pry his hands away but it was of no use. The air supply was running low and I had to do something, that too fast.

I took his wrist and at the weakest point on his left wrist I applied pressure. The pressure at that particular point was enough to break his wrist. He let me go to attend his hand. I coughed and tried to get my breathing at a normal level.

Be My Only One (Completed)(Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now