Chapter 43 NO FLEX ZONE.

Start from the beginning

you see Greedy uncle used the companies money for four good years to set up 16 large comapanies at that time, now these companies, he placed those so called  16 bussiness partners of his as the CEO including El Amin"

"This is insane, why did  he make them CEOs, it means it's basically theirs" said Zaid

"And with the money of the companies he killed for" said Muayad

Nuaimat chuckled and said "well the thing is that, he made them CEOs as a camouflage, but in the heart of the each company he owns 60% of the companies profit while the rest goes to them, deep down i think he feared this from you"

"But when something comes up no one will believe the companies are Al Zayman's not their's" said Zohra

"Uncle Hamood is cunny, he has documents to prove the companies are Al Zaymans, thats why the six i contacted want him down, besides i was careful to make contact with just six because when Hamood goes down we have ten, companies to our name, while the six i suggest we hand over the full documents of ownership to them as a gift"

She then wave a stack of papers, "this are our prove the companies are Al Zayman's" she said,

"How did you get that" asked Zaid

"His safe, thanks to Harees"

"Harees stole it from his father's safe" asked Muayad, and Zohra and Zaid nodded,

"But why will he do that, i mean to raise companies like that" asked Zaid,

"He wants the money, why do you think Hamood send down Zaid to Nigeria, he doesn't want you to know about the underground incomes"

"How did you get all this" asked Zaid,

"The very moment the need for vengeance consumed me, i know how to get things my way" said Nuaimat,

"So now how do we start" asked Muayad,

"Well its Ramadan in a week, so lets lie low till after the fast, the eid and Zohra's engagement" said Nuaimat,  all three agreed to her suggestion,

"My first move was to take down majority of his pawns, which i did, my second move now will be, after the engagement party, we will be done on getting investors for the new era of our company" she said

"Why new, the present investors seem good" said Muayad,

"Uncle Hamoods handpicked, we can't trust them" said Nuaimat

"Then what" inquired Zohra,

"Then after that, i will let it slip to one of his business partners on what we plan, i will make sure his PA, gets to make him summon up his business partner and his members of his B.O.D, that day we make our appearance" she said with a smirk,

Zaid was looking at Nuaimat clearly impressed, "i have a ten minutes meeting with my department before the BOD  meeting" said Nuaimat  and with that she excused herself and went out.

"Isnt she a genius" asked Zaid,

"Yes, i hope she doesn't get us killed" said Zohra,

"No, we have to trust her if we are on board with this, and besides she said she has a backup plan if everything goes out of our way" said Muayad, the two nodded and then Zohra excused herself and head out.

During the BOD meeting Zaid Introduced Zohra, Nuaimat and Muayad as owners of the company also, so after the meeting, Nuaimat was up in her office already working for almost three hours , she was now  going through the list of some foreign business partners, when there was a knock, "come in" she called without looking up, it was one of the young directors, "yes" she asked looking up,

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