I glanced over to my pigsty of a desk and zeroed in on the framed photo. Victoria, Nathan, Taylor, Hayden and I at the diner. Hayden was high out of his mind, and had the same dopey look he had the first time I met him. The rest of us, laughing and cringing at his sheer stupidity.. and Courtney of course, under the demands of Victoria was taking the photo. It's almost sad. I would pity her if she wasn't such a sheep.

Across the hall, I heard Vic's door shut, prompting me to get my shower supplies and hurry, 'cause you know, she gets nasty. Opening my door, I instantly see the lady herself.

"Hey, biaaatch!" Jeez, Vic's in a good mood. We walk to the showers at a slow pace, considering me had it mostly to ourselves. After all the people complaining about our extremely long showers, I figured it's the best way to avoid conflict, but considering Vic lives for conflict, it took some convincing.

"Let me guess, 'Mark' sent ya pics? And I mean, pics?" I cheekily respond, nudging her and giggling as I pushed open the door.

"Har, har. We-" Victoria's words were cut off by her stun at seeing another person in the dorm bathroom.

"(Y/N), that's the bitch I was talking about." She said in her typical half shout, half whisper, just enough for the other person to hear and just enough for them to hear the daggers in her voice. I rolled my eyes at her and dumped my shit into the sink, standing next to her.

"Cut her some slack, Vic. What's your name, kid?" I smiled at the doe-eyed girl. She was fairly short, had brown hair and freckles, and was just about done with bathroom time. Or so I concluded by looking at her wet hair.

"Max.. Caulfield. I'm new here." She was soft-spoken but friendly enough. But I guess, she's already made Victoria's shitlist.

"Like we wouldn't notice you sticking out like a sore thumb in Blackwell. Now, Mary, scram."
Ouch. I offered her a smile as she quickly left, before I gave Victoria the dirtiest look I could muster. She acknowledged it giving me a 'whoops' look with a shrug, but I knew she had no remorse. In any case, I knew I could never stay mad at her, so like most things, I let it go. I often wondered what that would cost me in the end.


8:23 AM
I sat out front in the dorms on the bench, watching the sunshine, watching Samuel feed his squirrels, watching Logan toss the ball around, the same old song still blasting in my ear through my earpiece.

But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here

I felt the wind begin to swoop in and tickle the trees. I pulled my houndstooth coat in tighter and observed my surroundings. I wondered what it would be like to just set this place on fire. Random, I know. But I was always looking for a place to escape. Nathan felt the same. Maybe that's why I was crushing hard- we both turned to escapism. Drugs, pills, drinking, partying. The Vortex Club was a cover up to us, just another sad excuse. We didn't want to be addicts. To everyone else, we were just stupid teens. I admit though, it was nice to be alone, it just wasn't nice feeling lonely.

2 Unread Messages
NATHAN PRESCOTT: meet me n vic front of skool
NATHAN PRESCOTT: run run run lazy ass

Speak of the devil...

I took my time in strolling, though I knew they'd be pissed. I always could smoke my way out of it, though. I walked passed the dash board, but brought myself back, standing in front of it and scanning the 'Hot Topics!'.

"Pretty damn tragic." A familiar male voice startled me, as I turned around only to realise it was Warren. One of the nicest guys around, also most likely to get picked on after Daniel.

"Rachel Amber, huh? I wonder what happened to her.." I responded, looking at the articles ahead of me. Once again, my thoughts were intervened. An all too familiar masculine scent, specifically Gucci Guilty, filled the air. Of course, Nathan. Behind him being Vic, and her bitch posse.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Gayram." Nathan lightly chuckled, first bumping his shoulder, as Courtney let out a cackle. Ugh. I quickly interrupt before Warren can respond.

"Lay off, Nate. I'll catch you in Bio, Warren." I half sighed, half smiled as I tugged an aggravated Nathan along with me to walk toward the school, the rest trailing behind with Victoria walking next to me.

"Sometimes I wonder why you own a fucking phone, if you don't reply, (Y/N)." Nathan laughed as he threw his arm around my shoulder, as he usually did, but it still did gather stares, mostly from people who wondered how a guy like him could ever get a girl to like him. I knew my crush on him was obvious, but I never knew if it was to him.

"Mostly to friendzone privileged dicks like.. you. Rough you up a lil', ya know?" I nudged him playfully in his sides, prompting an eye roll from him and a 'get a room!' from across the quarry. We walked up the stairs leading to the door of the school but not before glancing up at the sign above us.

"Good Luck, Seniors!"

Gee, I feel better already..

I had a free period, but decided to spend it in the library before my photography class with Mr Jefferson. Total hottie, I know. But there's something in that glare... it didn't seem right. I never bothered to find out, either. Just as I was about to crack open a book, my phone vibrated.

NATHAN PRESCOTT: iiiiimmmmm sleeeeeppppyyy
ME: Another ditch day? Already????
NATHAN PRESCOTT: wow gd idea meet at da spot
ME: Fuck you... okay did u invite Vic
NATHAN PRESCOTT: no just me n u

Sometimes I hated myself for feeling this affection. But there was no changing it. I sighed for the 500th time today and picked up my bag, tucking the book into the grey shelf. Sorry, City on Fire, you're gonna have to wait. I flashed Mrs Linda, the librarian a smile before walking out of the building. Nathan was already there under the oak tree, our usual spot. He was wearing his usual red jacket with his hair slicked back, looking through the photos on his camera. I didn't call out to him, not just yet. Sitting in solitude, and he looked like he didn't have the weight of the world on his shoulders.. for once. He threw a glance over at me, paired with the softest smile. I was lucky, I knew not many people saw this side to him, he didn't want them to. As I walked over to him, I couldn't help but think that; I was exactly where I needed to be. That it was fate... or whateverthefuck.

Maybe I was just in out of my head. I don't know what it was, it felt like a special day. You know that gut feeling?


Whatever makes you happy
Whatever you want
You're so fucking special
I wish I was special

how an angel dies - nathan prescott x ocWhere stories live. Discover now