Chapter 1

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"Feed me."

"Under no circumstances."

"Feed me!"

"I will not, so stop asking!"

"Feed me!"

Oh how he wished the plant would shut up. No, even better, how he wished he had never met the thing in the first place!

He had never seen a plant demand anything. Actually, he had never seen a plant talk! But this one sure did. Unfortunately for him, however, it sounded like a broken record as it begged, pleaded for him to feed it.

He had originally called it Audrey II, after the love of his life, though now it demanded to be called Kenny II. And Kenny here, well, was he a sight. Most of him was some sort of variant of a venus flytrap, only huge. A giant, gummy mouth hung open, the lips outlined distinctively around the rim. Its head was green, spotted with darker spots and vines, long and powerful, hung out and around the pot the plant had been sat in.

"No!" he yelled at it again, "No more!"

"Come on Seymour, I'm starving..."

Good. He hoped it starved and died, what would he care! He'd only lose his fame... fortune... maybe even his girl... B-but that was besides the point! He had to do what was right!

God, if only he hadn't picked up the plant from that weird looking shop in the first place. He remembered blissfully how small and manageable it used to be. It didn't take him long to work out how to feed it. Inside, attached to the back of the plant's throat, was a young boy, only about a toddler's age. It led him to believe that this was no ordinary plant. Fertiliser and water wouldn't cut it.

Instead, it ate the souls of its victims.

Now, Seymour didn't have any concrete proof of this but all the leads seemed to be pointing in that direction. He remembered sticking his finger into the maw of the plant and the toddler inside clinging to it like a touch-starved baby. But as it held onto him, it began to grow. Slowly, as it curiously nibbled on his finger, the vines grew longer, the mouth grew larger and the boy grew bigger and older. What else could it have been doing but draining his soul to grow like that?

It started innocently enough. Seymour would offer parts of his soul per day to the greedy, hungry plant. But then, as it grew and grew and grew, it wanted more and soon, others had to be offered in his place.

And the people he had, so to speak, 'fed' to the plant to help it grow... They hadn't come back out...

"I don't care! I can't stand the guilt!"

"Guilt?" the now fully grown man scoffed, flicking his pink, petalled hair behind him, "What guilt? You've got everything you've ever wanted cuzza me!"

"Th-that may be true, b-but..."

"Come on, I'm only asking for one snuggle snack... If you really want, it could be you~?" The man inside, leaning against his muscular triceps like a schoolgirl, wriggled his eyebrows temptingly. In conjunction, Seymour could smell the heavenly scent of the plant beginning to waft out. It numbed his mind, the smell of daisies, roses and lavenders wrapping around him, pulling him in.

No! Promptly, Seymour pinched his nose shut. That was how it lured in its victims. He remembered watching Mr Mushnik dropping his gun and practically leaning right inside the plant's maw, where he had been snatched up. Or when he swapped the nitrous oxide in Orin's office for the gas of the plant and like an obedient victim, he had guided him back to the shop and fed him too. It was a death sentence to breathe in its toxins.

"Okay! Okay!" he was the one begging now as he felt the irresistible pull towards the pod. It was starting to look welcoming, inviting... And when the man inside literally beckoned him to join, God, it took him all he had to resist. Even with his nose pinched, the smell was still sliding down his throat, intoxicating his lungs. But, after hearing his plead, the smell mercifully subsided as quickly as it had appeared.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2017 ⏰

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