I'm Weak

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But I'm weak, and what's wrong with that?
                                -" Weak" by AJR-

"You're weak!" The little boy laughed with his friends, kicking him in the stomach once more before leaving him alone at the park at age 6.

Sniffling a little, the injured boy slowly stood up, wincing at every moving muscles. Once he was on his feet, he walked towards his backpack and strapped it on. With a puff of breath, he slowly trudged back home, biting his lips to keep himself from making any noise as his body screamed in pain at every step.

"You're weak!" The teenage boy sneered at him at age 13. The other students snickered at that, agreeing with the statement.

"You're gonna clean this mess up!" Another boy ordered, leaving him alone in the gym with the scattered balls. Sighing a little, the teenager pulled himself up into a sitting position, groaning a little as his whole body ached from the bruises he got during dodgeball.

With careful steps, the teenage boy picked them up and placed them back into the storage room, ignoring how hurt he feels all over.

"You're weak," the delinquent guy scoffed, eyes radiating contempt and hatred towards him.

Before he could say anything, dynamites rained down on him, lit and many.

Although his eyes widened in fear outwardly, inwardly, he felt that familiar weariness settle in himself as he moved his feet.

"You're weak," Reborn commented from his perch on the tree as he stared down at the struggling boy. "Again," the hitman said and kicked him down the cliff.

The boy could only stare in horror at the self-proclaimed tutor before closing his eyes tiredly, preparing himself to feel the harsh contact with the water.

"You're weak," Mukuro stared at the trembling boy standing in front of him, eyes wide.

The trembling teen could do nothing as he stared at the man responsible for hurting his friends. Even if he wanted to help them, he knew he could do nothing in his current state.

His last thought before being shot by Reborn was how he had desperately hoped he was strong enough to do something.

"You're weak." Xanxus narrowed his eyes at the young boy standing defiantly against him. His Flame of Wrath growing in his palm.

The younger of the two calmly watched Xanxus, his calm face hiding the turmoil residing within his heart, worried for the people he now sees as friends.

"You're weak~" Byakuran smiled at the gasping boy in his invinsible hand, trying and failing to be free.

He could only grit his teeth as he continued his desperate attempt to save himself, knowing that if he dies, he would never be able to save his friends. Quietly, he wished for everything to be over.

"You're weak." Daemon uttered in disappointment, crushing the boy mercilessly with his powers.

The teen weakly pushed himself up, forcing his body to stand. He has to keep fighting. He can't stop. He has to win. For his friends, the people he came to cherish, his pride.

"You're weak," Iemitsu said from his place, blue eyes gazing calmly at him.

With his fists clenched, he glared at the man responsible for making his mom sad. He knew it wasn't his fault. He knew the man has a solid reason why he left them. But he still can't help but blame him for everything.

Even so, somewhere within his heart, he knew he had already forgiven him.

"You're weak," Bermuda stated after asking for his Present.

The teen glared heatingly at him, anger rising when he saw his friends laying exhausted at the battlefield. He has to win. He has to win. He has to win! He can't let them die. He can't let Reborn die. He can't let the Arcobaleno die.


Not yet. Not yet.

When the man in the fedora shot him, he oddly felt at peace before his flame flared. His resolve to protect them strengthened.

"You're weak," Reborn said as he stared at the sky, the yellow pacifier absent on his chest.

His student only hummed in response, eyes trailing the clouds floating lazily in the sky.

Tipping his fedora down, he glanced a little at him before looking back at the sky, a sincere smile plastered on his face. "But that's alright," Reborn decided before leaping onto his student's head.

"I'm weak." Tsuna announced proudly to the guests present at the Inheritance Ceremony.

Shifting his gaze from the noisy crowd, his eyes landed at the group of people whom he had known for almost half his life. From enemies to allies to friends and finally, family, they're the people he had fought and befriended with, all because of his weakness. "And what's wrong with that?" He asked as he raised a glass of wine.

"Thanks to that, I got the best family I've ever had," he declared sincerely with the happiest smile he could ever muster. Because it's true. And no one can tell him otherwise.

I'm Weak (KHR FANFIC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant