Last Day

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Waking up I packed all my thing taking out the things I'll be using today. Michael was still asleep so I decided to take a quick shower do my morning routine and brushed my teeth. Blow drying my hair I went back to his room. He was still sleeping to I got on top of him straddling his waist. I kissed his nose, cheeks, forehead, jawline, corner of his lips, his chest and finally his lips. After 3 seconds he kissed me back wrapping his arms around my waist. He flipped us over so now he was on top but making sure he didn't squish me. The kiss heated up as we both stopped. He pecked my lips one last time before flipping us over. "I wouldn't mind waking up like that everyday." His husky voice was giving me the feels. I played with his fingers, arms and chest. "Well today is my last day so why not wake you up like that." He gripped on my waist a bit tighter making sure not to hurt me. "Let's take a nap." He suggested. "You just woke up." I spoke. "I know but please." I rolled my eyes nodding. After what seemed an hour we both woke up. I got dressed in a pair of jeans and a Big Baller Brand shirt. I tied my hair up in a messy bun as I slipped my vans on. "Alright, I'm ready." I spoke sitting on the bed as Michael pulled a shirt over his head. When he saw my shirt he instantly rolled his eyes. "Do you have another shirt?" He asked making me roll my eyes. "Why? I like this shirt. It's comfortable and soft." I looked up at him. "I just don't feel like you should wear that. You could wear any other shirt just not that one." I sighed not seeing what was wrong with the shirt. "I don't have another one." I kinda lied. "I'll let you wear mine for now and I'll take you shopping." He suggested. "No I don't want to do that. What's so wrong about my shirt?" I asked. "It's like you're supporting him." He glared at the floor. "I support both of you." He shook his head. "Michael." I spoke but he walked away leaving me in his room. I sat on the bed as my phone ranged. "How's the most beautiful best friend? Oh by the way thanks for the pictures. I did it all yesterday." I smiled hearing his voice. "I'm doing fine. It's my last day and I'll be back in Cali in the morning. I wouldn't be surprised you copied." I teased him. "I needed help." He answered. "Sure, but how you been? I miss you, the guys and Kim." I took off my vans slipping on my slides. "We've been chilling. But it isn't the same without you. You have no idea how much I miss you. Hey I was wondering if you'd let me pick you up." A smile formed on my lips. "I missed you too. Are you sure?" "Positive. I really want to see you." After thinking about it I gave in and told him the time and place of my landing. "You're going to see me looking like a zombie." I laughed. "Nah, you look beautiful all the damn time." My smile got bigger. Hearing someone come upstairs into the room I saw it was Michael. "Hey I have to go, I'll talk to you later. Please don't forget. Okay bye." With that I hung up. I turned around still wearing my triple B shirt. "I know I was over reacting. I'm sorry babe. It's just a shirt." He sighed. "Already forgotten." I pulled him in for a hug. "I'm really sorry baby." He kissed my shoulder. "It's fine." I looked up at him resting my chin on his chest. He picked me up bridal style catching me off guard as we went downstairs. We went outside as he unlocked his car settling me in the passenger's side. Pecking my lips he closed the door sitting on his side. "Where are we going?" I asked taking a sweatshirt he had in the backseat putting it on cause it was kinda chilly. The sweater had embroiled Nathan Hale with Porter on the back. "Since this is your last day, I want to treat you." He kissed my cheek before pulling out the driveway. "You don't have to babe." I looked over at him. "But you're my girl and I have to treat you. And also because I love you." I couldn't help but smile like an idiot. "I love you too Michael." I interlocked our hands together. He pulled into a cute diner. "First stop." He opened the door for me. As we walked in he wrapped his arm around my waist. "Table for 2 please." Michael told the waiter. We followed him as we sat outside. "What would the lovely lady order?" He asked. "I'll get a hot chocolate please and my boyfriend would like a coffee." I smiled at Michael who winked at me. "Alright, I'll be right back." He left as Michael started laughing. "What?" I asked. "His face when you said boyfriend was priceless." I giggled. He came back not 2 minutes after. We ordered as Michael and I started talking about college and the future. The thing that kept on playing in my mind was why did he get worked up for a shirt. Not wanting to ruin our breakfast I pushed it aside. After we were done Michael insisted of paying so I left the tip. "Where to now?" I asked. He didn't answer so he continued driving as I enjoyed the ride. He pulled into a Dunkin' as I got excited. Michael could help but laugh as my eyes lightened up. "You look so adorable." He pecked my forehead as we went inside. Thankfully no-one was there so we ordered and got out. "I have a huge obsession with Dunkin' coffee." I admired. "Oh believe me, I know." He chuckled as I drank from my cup. We were off again but this time we sang along to Bruno Mars 24k magic. We pulled into a park. No-one was here yet so that was better. We sat down on a bench just enjoying the peace. "I'm going to miss you when you leave." He spoke as I looked over at him. "I'm going to miss you too." "What if you move back? That way we could be closer and don't have to wait to see you." I didn't know what to say. I felt like Cali was my home, I couldn't leave that behind. Gelo was there. I can't leave him. "My parents are happy over there. My brother has made great friends and So have I. I like it over there. I drop everything over there and just come here." I admitted. He didn't like my answer but I couldn't. I wouldn't be happy. I love Michael and want to be with him but I want to stay in Cali with Gelo. This whole day I've been thinking about Gelo which made me confused; brushing it off I interlocked out hands together. He looked ahead not saying anything. "Let's go home. I want to lay in bed with you until I have to leave." I spoke standing in front of him wrapping my arms around his neck. He looked down at me resting his hands on my waist. "Could I ask you something?" He asked as he got up. "Yeah." He look a breath. "Do you have any feelings towards him." He gestured towards my shirt knowing he was talking about Gelo. I was shocked at what he asked. But I also thought on it. Do I have feelings towards him? Butterflies, thinking of him. Could it be? Or it's just that I'm used to being around him. I looked at Michael who wore a sad face expression. "No, no I don't." I spoke as my mind was telling me otherwise. "You know I want you to be happy." I nodded knowing that already. "I'm happy with you." I gave him a smile. I didn't want to hurt him but something felt off. He kissed my lips as I still felt butterflies. "Let's go." He picked me up throwing me over his shoulder as I laughed. "Put me down!" I tried to get off but his grip tighten. He finally settled me down when I got in his car. He got in as the car roared to life. He drove back to his house. Not even an hour later we arrived and both headed to his room. Everyone was in the living room playing 2k. Talking off my slides I was tackled to his bed. I could help but laugh. "Are you good?" I asked as I ran my hands through his hair. "More than good cause you're here babe." He gave me his charming smile that made my stomach explode with butterflies. "I love you babe." He kissed me passionately. We pulled away for air smiling. I cuddled to his side as I played with his fingers. "Don't leave." He spoke. "I have to. School starts Monday." I replied as he sighed. We watched 21 and 22 Jump Street as we laughed. We all ate dinner which was delicious thanks to Mrs. Porter. Michael and I offered to wash the dishes but she wouldn't let us so instead I started packing. As I packed one thing, Michael took it out. "You have a whole different idea of what packing means don't you." I giggled putting my shirt in the bag. After two hours thanks to Michael trying to unpack my things, I got everything ready. I just had to wait until 9 to be at the airport. "So what are you doing when you go back?" He asked. "Same as alway. School, homework, family, friends and chilling." I shrugged. He nodded without saying anything else. "Hey what's up?" I stood in front of him now. "Nothing." He flatly said. "Michael." I pressed. "This whole week just went by quickly and call me a girl but I don't want you to leave." I smiled as I pecked his lips. We just enjoyed each other's presences until it was time to leave. He helped me with my bags as I hugged everyone bye. I was going to miss having the girls cause they were like my sister's. "I'm going to miss you man." I hugged Jay. "I'm going to miss your little short self as well. Come visit soon." We pulled away as his mom engulfed me in a hug. "It was great to have you sweetheart. Don't forget this is your house." I nodded before getting into the car. Waving one last time Michael pulled out the driveway into the street making his way towards the airport. He interlocked our hands kissing the back of my hand one in a while. When we finally reach the airport we dropped our things and just waited. "Here I want you to keep it." He handed me his Nathan Hale hoodie with his name embroiled in the back. Quickly putting it on I noticed it smelled like him. "Thank you babe." I kissed his lips. He gave me a smile as he took out his phone. "Guys so my girlfriend is leaving now. I told her to stay but I also understand she can't." Michael spoke onto his phone. Noticing he was on Instagram live I turned away. "Babe the people want to see you." I sighed turning around. The comments were cute. "They said we're cute together." I smiled up at Michael. "Damn right we are. Elizabeth and Michael all the damn way!" I couldn't help but laugh. My flight was call 30 minutes after he stopped recording. "That's me." I said. Without any warning his lips were instantly on mine. The kiss was soft, gentle and longing. "As much as I would love to kiss you all day I can't miss my flight." I said. "I know, I know. I'm going to miss you babe." He kissed my forehead. "I'm going to miss you two." We both said I love you and with that I walked away. He had his hands in his pocket. Giving the lady my ticket I walked in. Settling down, I texted Gelo that I already boarded the plane. Putting my phone on airplane mode I put on my beats and listened to music.

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