*2* Im not yours to keep (kidnapped)

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chapter two


Ariana Skye's POV

I awoke to a loud crash. My eyes fluttered open, I looked around and realized I wasn't in my room or even in my house for that matter. I was in a small bedroom with tan walls and not much furniture. I noticed that I was chained tothe bed that I was laying on. I was still in my hooters uniform and my hoodie was riding up. I was about to scream when the door flew open and I saw a guy who looked a year or two older than me. He had light brown hair that fell over his forehead and gorgeous peircing green eyes.

He made his way towards me and as he got closer I felt as if I coudn't speak or move. When he got next to the bed he rached for my arms and uchained me.

"Get up," he spoke monotonously.

I nodded and slowly sat up. He reached for my hand and pulled me off the bed. He started to drag me out of the room and I followed him carefully. We entered abathroom that had an old style tub, a sink, a toilet, and a small linen closet.

"Take your clothes off" he spoke.

"what?" I thought i heard him incorrectly.

"I said take your clothes off"


"You are going to bathe because you havedried blood on your legand if you dont take your clothes off now then I will hav to do it for you"I had no idea how the blood got there. Oh well I have other things to worry about right now.

"Well could you getout?" Ireplied softly

"No." "Well then Im not taking my clothes off, I don't even knoe you and I dont plan on stripping in front of you. So if you could please get out." I said with a little more courage. Suddenly I was up against the wall with him holding my shoulders. Hegrabbed at the bottom of my hoodie and pulled up so it came off. He looked at my shirt and smirked. Ugh what a freak. He was holding me so I couldnt moveso I struggledto break free from his grip. He moved on hand to the lower part of myshirt and beforeI knew it my shirt was on the ground. "Please let go" I pleaded. "Why should I?" he asked. "I'll take them off my selfcould you please just let go and uhmm turn around.""Fyne go ahead but Im turning back around as soon as you get in the water." I nodded and he turned around. Ipeeledoff the rest of my clothes. Slowly I got into the tub of warm water. I covered my self with my arms as he turned back around. I felt so self concious right now. I quickly bathed my self and when I was done he handed me a towel and turned to face the wall again. I wrapped my self up and cleared my throat to get his attention. "Uhmm what should I wear?" I asked softly. "Just put on what you were wearing before besides the hoodie" Wow perv much? what ever. I quickly put on my clothes and told him that I was done. He nodded in approval. He grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the bathroom rather forcefully. He dragged me through the hall to the same room as before. He pushed me inside and closed the door. I turned and tried to open the door but it was locked.

I looked around for a way to get out. There was a small window above the bed. It was just the size for me to fit through. I tried to open it but it was stuck. FUCK! I cursed in my head. Hmm I could break it but how? I looked towards the side table next to the bed and there was a small medal statue looking thing. I picked it up and hit the window with all my stregnth. "Yes!" I yelled in a whisper. I quickly got up to the window and looked trhrough. Damn I was on the second floor and I was afraid of heights. I heard footsteps approaching the room and I knew that I didnthave time. I squeezed my eyes shut and jumped.

I fell on the arm and it was hurting really bad. A few tears escaped my eyes. It was still really dark out and I looked around to notic that this house was in the middle of a huge field. Fuck. I started running straight ahead trying not to pay attention to the fierce pain in my arm. I wasn't that good of a runner and I never did good in gym so I knew that I had to do the best I could right now.

I ran for about five minutes when I felt a sudden impact on my back. I opened my eyes to see him an inch away from my face. My arm was hurting worse than before now. I whimpered in pain. He got off of me and yanked me off the ground. I was being man handled so much today. He didnt let go of me the whole way back to the house.

As soon as we stepped in the house he turned around and slapped me. wtf?! Tears stinged my eyes as they made their way down my face and hit the ground in little droplets. He glared at me through his emerald eyes. "You weren't supposed to do that! You should have known better than to try to run away!" He screamed at me. What the fuck is wrong with this guy? He kidnaps me and then tells me that I should knoe better than to run away. "Get up!" I whimpered and got up to face him. "Why are you doing this to me? Why did youkidnap me?"


I'm not yours to keep (kidnapped)Where stories live. Discover now