Chapter 4

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🌹Nobody But Me🌹

Chapter 4

Shanelli mom: who is it hija? (finishing talking with to client)

Shanelli: It's Rosa and her friends Mami

Shanelli mom: hola chicas Como estan? *Hi girls how are you?* (hugging them and kiss on the cheek)

Rosa: Muy Bien y usted Sra. Rojas *Very Good & you Mrs. Rojas*

Yn & Julie: Estamos Bien *We're Doing Well*

Shanelli's mom: De Maravilla chicas y digame Angela porque me siento muy vieja Cuando me dicen Sra.Rojas. *I'm wonderful girls and call me Angela because I feel older than I am when you call Mrs.Rojas*

Yn: ok de ahora en adelante le llamaremos Angela. *ok from now on we will call you Angela*

Angela: Gracias, chicas y a que debo su visita? *Thank you, girls, and what do I owe to your visit?*

Julie: Bueno venimos a preguntarle si puede peinarnos y maquillarnos manana. *Well we came to ask you if you could do our hair and makeup tomorrow.*

Angela: Claro a que hora se graduar manana? *Sure at what time do you girls graduate tomorrow.*

Rosa: la gradacion va a ser en la tarde. *The graduation is going to be in the afternoon.*

Angela: Esta bien se pueden venir como a las 1:00 pm a si pieno a las tres y a mi hija. *That great you can come around 1:00 pm so that I can comb the three of and my daughter*

Yn: ok gracias Angela. *ok, thank you Angela*

Julie: Bueno dejamos para que descansen. *Well we leave now so you two can rest*

Rosa: Julie tiene razon las dejamos pa que descansen y muchas gracias. *Julie is right we'll let to rest and thank so much*

Angela: De nada y nos vemos manana (dandoles un abrazo) *Your Welcome and I'll see you tomorrow (hugging them)*

Shanelli: I'll walk you girls out (leading them upstairs)

Yn: We'll see you tomorrow shanelli (giving her)

The girls said "Good Night" to Shanelli and walked home they crossing the street when a car almost ran over Yn. Rosa and Julie had made it to the sidewalk but Yn hadn't she just stood in the road in shock. Yn friends and Shanelli ran over to her to see if she wasn't hurt. A guy with brown eyes and pierced ears rushed out of his car to see Yn was okay.

???: OMG I'M SO SORRY ALRIGHT? (Walking over to Yn)

???: OMG I'M SO SORRY ALRIGHT? (Walking over to Yn)

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Rosa: Obviously not! Yn are you alright?

Julie: Weren't you watching where you driving!

Yn: I think so I just feel a little dizzy

Shanelli: wait a minute is that you Geoffrey?

Geoffrey: Nelli what are doing outside the house?

Shanelli: I was checking on my friend since you almost ran over you need to more careful when your driving Geoffrey

Geoffrey: I said, "I was sorry"

Julie: Wait a minute you know this guy Shanelli?

Shanelli: yea he's my brother Geoffrey these are my friends Julie Rosa, and Yn. Is the one you almost ran over.

Geoffrey: nice to meet ladies and I'm so sorry Yn for running almost you over are sure your ok cause if you're not I could take you to the emergency room.

Julie & Rosa: uh nice to meet Geoffrey

Yn: nice to meet Geoffrey and I'm alright thanks for asking me to take to me the emergency room. (She didn't realize that Geoffrey was Prince Royce because it was dark outside)

Geoffrey: Your welcome (smiling at Yn)

Rosa: well better go home come on girls see tomorrow shanelli and it was nice meeting you, Geoffrey.

Shanelli: yea see you girls tomorrow bring your dress and shoes with you so that you can get ready at my house.

Julie: Okay that's a great idea

Geoffrey: Good night ladies

The girls walked back to Rosa's house and Shanelli helped her brother with his suitcase inside the house. Once the girls made it to Rosa's house they decide to make some tea because Yn was still a little shaken up from what had happened. The girls decide to watch a movie called "A Walk to Remember" before going to bed. After finishing the movie the girls went to bed the next morning woke up around 9:00 am to eat breakfast and get ready.

Here's a new chapter I'll try to more in the upcoming weeks. Also, go check out my friend's odacb15 story called "Un Amor A Ciegas"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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