Chapter One

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Voldemort POV

I walked towards the house with big steps. Peter had just came to me to tell me the secret location of the Potter's house. Lily and James Potter had just left the house which as even better for me. I walked into the house uncontested and slowly walked to the room with the baby. It came to me as a surprise there were two babies. They both looked at me and smiled thinking I was their father. I raised my wand and pointed at the boy named Harry Potter not his brother Zach Potter. "Adava Kendrava"

The last thing I saw was the curse coming back at me.


After hearing that their house was on fire Lily and James Potter rushed back to their house to find that both their babies were safe. They decided that Zach Potter vanquished Voldemort. They rebuilt their houses and all was fine

~~~11 years later~~~

Harry's POV

"Harry are you awake?" Percy asked

"Yes I am" I said in my head. Percy and me have always talked to each other in our head but no one would believe that there were two of us in Harry's head. We slowly became more seclusive and then we faded into the background. Then no one remembered us. Severus is our godfather and he would always give us treats and treated us normal unlike everyone else who treated our brother as the best thing in the world and we weren't alive. But he stop coming over 5 years ago because of some argument with our dad. We mostly kept to our self and stayed in the Potter's library and got our food from the house elves who still remembered us.

Suddenly we heard Lily say, "What is this!?"

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