Chapter 27: Inferno

Start from the beginning

"Get out of my house." She pointed to the door. "Get out before Ayaaz wakes up."

"Does he know how easy it is to make you nice and wet?" He scrunched his nose in anger

"Get out!" She yelled.

"You always were a horny bitch!"

Basharat charged towards her and pinned her against the wall sending the lamp crashing to the floor. Mahnoor coughed once again. He pressed her wrists up against the wall and shoved his nose into her cheek.
"I was ready to forgive you for everything you put me through." Spit spayed into her face. "Today at the wedding, I thought it was what you wanted, for us to be a family." Basharat pushed his hardness against Mahnoor's upper thigh.
"Look what you do to me." He snarled with pleasure looking at his groin. "All it took is for us to be together." Mahnoor clenched her eyes tight shut with disgust. Fear snaked her body knowing what he was capable of. He cupped her left buttock and squeezed it tight.
"I could see a future together, you, me, our son and daughter in law. But you-" He squeezed her hard.
"You spoiled it! It's no one's fault but yours. Whatever happens tonight, it's down to you."
"What have you done?" Smoke filled her nostrils.
"Remember what I said. That night? The night where you ran away from me, and kicked me in my balls! This is room where it began. This room is where it ends. It's over. Me, you and our family together forever."
Mahnoor coughed breathing in a smoky stench.
"What have you done?" Mahnoor cried out. "What have you done?" She pressed her fists up against him pushing his aroused body away. Basharat was resolute, her pivoted her around pressing her face against the wall and shoved his hardness against her buttocks. The idea of inflicting pain upon her hardened him.
"Everything I did, I did for you. I can't go back to jail." He unzipped his jeans. Mahnoor cried struggling in his stronghold. She struggled pushing, shoving him away. But the more she struggled, the more it turned him on. He sniggered and bit her neck making her cry out in pain. He snaked his arm over her shoulder and pressed his large hands on her breasts.
"I'm going to teach you lesson, you'll never forget." He grunted.


Stirring in her sleep, Amirah rubbed her eyes racking up a cough. When she sat up, smoke snaked under her door. She shook Ayaaz staring at the smoke slowly filling their room. The room was dark. She couldn't breathe.
"Ayaaz! Ayaaz!"
When Ayaaz woke, he couldn't breathe. Smoke chocked him. He threw his duvet off and looked around.
"There's a fire!"
Amirah grabbed her mobile and clicked the screen to switch on the torch. Instead her finger slipped and redialled the last number. Her father.
Ayaaz grabbed Amirah's arm and led her to the door with her mobile light as a guide through the smoke.
"Let's get out of here. Come on!"
When Ayaaz opened the door the corridor was filled with dense smoke.
"Hurry!" Ayaaz grabbed her arm over his shoulders. They could make the front door. The fire was contained in the living room.
"Quickly, we can make it before the fire reaches the stairs."
Ayaaz lifted Amirah into his arms ready to take her downstairs, but he stopped. There was commotion coming from his mother's bedroom. He earthed Amirah and her mobile phone fell on the floor. He opened Mahnoor's bedroom door, but the door was locked.
"Mum!" She pushed the door open with his shoulder but it was jammed. "Mum! Get out! There's a fire".
Peering through the small gap, he looked inside to find a man dressed in black pinning his mum against the wall.
"Mum!" He yelled pushing he door. "Mum!"
The man turned and glared at Ayaaz. It was his father. It was him.
"Mum!" I'll get you out. He pushed door again but it would open.
"Get out! Ayaaz! Take Amirah!" Mahnoor cried out. "Go."
Ayaaz looked at Amirah, stuck between his mother and his wife. He couldn't chose. Amirah screamed watching the fire roar towards the staircase.
"Ayaaz! Look!" She pointed, coughing violently.
"I'll come back, mum!" He promised and grabbed Amirah holding her in her arms. The staircase was dark with zero visibility, clouded in black chemical smoke choking his lungs. Ayaaz coughed and spluttered making his way down the stairs but he couldn't see. His foot missed a step and they both tumbled down the stairs. Amirah screamed out in pain. Ayaaz climbed to his feet and lifted her up.
"You okay!" He coughed. "Get up." He couldn't see her and patted around like a blind man.
Clutching her stomach, Amirah cried in pain. He lifted her once again and took her to the front door coughing and spluttering. He yanked the handle but the door was locked. There was no way he could turn back. Ayaaz grabbed the keys from the shelf and shoved the keys in the door. The heat was strong and scorching his back. Finally, he managed to open the front door and tumbled out into the drive. Coughing up their lungs chocked in smoke, Amirah and Ayaaz lay on the cold ground with blackened faces.
"Call the fire bridge!" Ayaaz called out to his neighbours. "Hurry! My mum is in there!"
When Ayaaz managed to stand on his feet, the fire engulfed the living room. Strong fiery and powerful there was still time before it plumed into the sky forming a black cloud.
How could he go back inside?"
"Mum!" He pointed at the house coughing his lungs out. He looked around searching for help.
"Mum!" He dashed towards the building, but Amirah called out to him. He stopped at the stairs. He couldn't go in. He couldn't breathe. He began coughing and curled over in a fit of cough. Helplessly look at the house. The fire took control of the living and ravaged it with all its strength.
"MUM!" Ayaaz shrieked. Tears burned his eyes and fire alight in his eyes. He reached out, his hands black with soot.
"Where's the fire engine!?" He yelled at everyone. "My mum is in there!" He cried out.

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