Chapter 23 - Locked In

Start from the beginning

 I gave a hard bang against the door, but still no one opened it. Growing frustrated, I hit against it multiple times. "Hey!" I shouted. Nothing.

 My hands were shaking. "Emma?" I finally heard a familiar voice say.

 "Stiles!" I said, excitement rising in my voice for finally getting a reply. "Stiles, I'm locked in. Can you open the door?"

 "I - I don't wanna do that," he said.

 "What? Stiles, what're you talking about? Just open the door," I said, becoming increasingly confused. 

 "No, no I can't," he said. Something about the way he said it wasn't right, different from his usual tone. "I don't wanna do that,"

 I slammed my hands against the door, pushing and rattling the doorknob. "Stiles! Let me out, please," I begged. "Stiles!"

 I nearly fell on my face when the door suddenly let itself open. When I stood back up straight, after having caught myself, a shock went through my body. I was no long longer in the Chemistry room. I was in the middle of a forest. 

 Trees surrounded me. A fog hung above them, one similar to the same fog that followed me the day I killed Brittany. It was dark, but my eyes had adjusted from being in the pitch black closet, so I could still see. I took a step forward, glancing around at the rest of my surroundings.

 "Hello?" I called out. No response.

 I took another step forward, and my eyes fell on what was before me. A large and eerie-looking tree stump sat in the middle of the small clearing. It felt vaguely familiar, as if I'd been here before. Or as if someone else had. 

 A small firefly rose from one of the cracks in the stump. It hovered in front of my nose and I narrowed my eyes at it. Then, I stumbled backwards when a loud scream sounded. I covered my ears with the palms of my hands and tripped over a root, falling to the ground. The screaming was getting louder. My ears felt like they were ripping apart.

 "Emma! Emma!"

 My eyes shot open and I realized that the screaming I was hearing had been my own. 

 "Emma," said Stiles, holding me by the shoulders and looking at me with wide and frightened eyes. "Are you okay?"

 I swallowed hard, sucking in large gulps of air. I looked around, as if to make sure everything was the way it should be. To make sure that I wasn't still dreaming. The thing is, it didn't feel like a dream. The panic and the confusion, it all felt so real. And I swear I could actually feel the dirt of that forest beneath my feet.

 "Yeah," I said. "Just...a bad dream,"

 "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.

 "No, no it's fine," I said. "It was nothing,"

 "You sure?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow.

 I hated lying to him, but I wasn't really up for explaining a dream like that. Mostly because for some reason it feels like it means something more than just my subconscious mind coming up with ridiculous thoughts that I've suppressed throughout the day.

 "Yeah," I said, rubbing his arm and forcing a smile. "I'm sure,"

 "Idioms, analogies, metaphors, and similes," said Miss Blake, her heels clinking against the ground as she walked in between the rows of desks.

 Being at school was not the ideal scenario for me after finding the body and my dream last night. It just feels wrong. But, I don't really have anywhere better to be. Derek and my brother are still M.I.A. and Stiles and Scott are both here. However Allison, I've noticed, isn't. She's seemed kind of distant lately, ever since that night at the Glen Capri. 

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