Chapter 23 - Locked In

Start from the beginning

 "Over here," said Allison. 

 We spotted the two girls walking towards us and met them halfway. "Lydia?" Stiles asked.

 "It's the same thing, the same thing as the pool," she said. "I got into the car heading somewhere totally different and ended up here. You told me to call you if I found a dead body,"

 "You found a dead body?" Stiles exclaimed, looking from me to Scott.

 "Not yet," said Lydia. 

 "Not yet? What do you mean not yet?" Stiles pressed. "Lydia, you're supposed to call us after you find the dead body,"

 "Oh no I'm not doing that again," said Lydia, shaking her head and holding up a finger. "You find the dead body from now on."

 I sighed and rolled my eyes. Stiles and I were interrupted from a perfectly good make-out session for this? Do they not realize how valuable the little time that we get together is? Without me wanting to kill myself or everyone around me? 

 Shaking my head, I looked away from the conversation going on around me. Then, something caught my eye. I took a step forward, squinting to make sure what I was seeing was actually there. It's hard to tell when I'm hallucinating nowadays. Then again, that could just be the Aderrall I'm sneaking from Stiles.

 The more I stared at it, the more I realized what I was really looking at. It made me sick to my stomach.

 "How are we supposed to find the dead body?" Stiles asked. "You're always the one finding the dead body,"

 "Guys," I said, getting everyone's attention. "I found the dead body,"

 There, lying lifeless on the top of the school sign, was the body of a familiar dark-skinned deputy. A massive amount of blood was dripping down the sign, seeping into the engravements of the words Beacon Hills High School. Her arm hung over the edge and the way her eyes stared without seeing flared something deep in the back of my soul. 

 Not this again.

 Stiles and I were sat next to each other in Harris' Chemistry class. We were doing some kind of experiment with setting liquids on fire using organic oils. Of course, Stiles had no idea what he was doing. The kid is smart, but Chemistry isn't his strong suit. Not that it's mine, either. 

 "Miss Brisbane," said Mr. Harris from his desk. "Would you mind getting the sulfur from the supply closet?"

 I glanced at Stiles to share my reaction of rolling my eyes, but he was focused on pouring some salt into our mixture. I brushed it off and stood up, making my way to the supply closet just next to our table. I opened up the door, but it wasn't until I stepped inside I remembered that the light switch was on the outside of the closet. I turned around to go flick it on, but the door slammed closed in my face. 

 I fiddled the doorknob, but it had locked itself. I shook it again, harder this time, but still no luck. "Stiles?" I asked, hoping he could hear me from the other side of the door. I pushed against it. "Stiles?"

 A panic was beginning to set it. I've never really been a fan of small spaces, and a dark closet full of acids wasn't an exception. I had left my phone on the table, since I didn't have any pockets to carry it in, so I had no source of light.  

 I shook the doorknob again. "Hey? Can someone unlock the door? Hello?" Still, no one came to help me. Surely they weren't just ignoring me, especially Stiles. He wouldn't do that. "Stiles? Mr. Harris? Can someone help me please?"

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