Early Shifts

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Beep Beep Beep

6am. I hate early shifts. I hate early shifts with Jac looming over me.

*In Holby city lift*
"Hold the lift!"
Dom came running in, sports gear on. He was very, very sweaty.
"What've you been doing, Usain Bolt?"
"Haha very funny. Training for the half marathon. Aren't you doing it?" He replied
"I might. It's hard to get time to train with the ice queen."
"Tonight, 7pm Burrows. Outside the hospital. We are going to run!!" He said
I laughed, I actually quite like running, and it would be fun to do a half marathon. And I could get away from Jac. Speak of the devil...

"Level 6, please stand clear of the door"

As I stepped out, she was right there. She summoned me to her office. What could it be? I wasn't late, I was five minutes early in fact. I hadn't done anything... had I?
"Dr burrows!" I was daydreaming... oops.
"Oh, erm yes Ms Naylor." Why was I so awkward around her?!
"Are you free tonight?" I nearly burst out laughing. She sounded like she was asking me on a date!
"Yes, wait um, I promised Dom I'd go training with him at 7, but we should be back by 8."
"Good, I need you to look after Emma."
She was trusting me with Emma?! I've never met her! I gave Jac a Christmas present to give her, but I have my doubts if it ever got there.
"No, I'm joking." She said in her usual sarcastic manner.
"At my flat?"
"Yes," I was shocked. "And I'll need you to keep her overnight."
What?! I've never met my niece... and now I'm looking after her overnight?!

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