Episode 10 - Anika

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Shivaay's POV

I don't what I shud do...... Today I shud choose between Anika and Riya...... Riya is the girl whom I loved from last two years....... Before few months..... Advay said few lies to her about me and she believed him and cheated me........ She went to him and became his girl friend betraying me...... But still I want not able to forget her....... I thought nobody can come to that place or as my wife but fate has Anika become my wife...... I know she is a poor soul....... I don't want to hurt her....... I was even shocked to know that she is still a virgin...... She has never shared any physical relationship with Advay....... I don't y but I was really happy......

When Riya started saying bad about Anika..... I saw Anika's expression...... She was burning in anger....... I smiled at it....... Now its time for me to choose...... As Mom said...... Riya has cheated me and I'm sure that Anika won't do it........ Riya is no one to me..... Not even girl friend but Anika is my wife..... I have to give value to at least that relation....... I don't love Anika but I can't see her in pain....... After all its becoz me she is suffering all these......

Riya : Tell something Shivaay....... Think about the moments we spent together......

I could see Anika burning in anger......

Shivaay : Enough Riya..... About what shud I think..... About how u cheated even after being my girl friend and went to Advay...... Is this what I shud think....... U cheated me......

Riya : Baby no, its not like that...... Its all a misunderstanding.......

Saying she moved her hands to my chest and kissed my neck....... She was about to kiss my cheek but instead she got a tight slap....... Yes...... Anika slapped her...... I, Advay and Riya stood up in shock........ Anika pulled Riya aside and sat near.......

Anika : Sit down everyone..... Shud I give invitation to u all........

Everyone sat hearing her words.......

Riya : How dare u slap me...... Shivaay baby, see how she is behaving to me.......

Anika : Shut up....... This is not ur Shivaay baby but my Husband........ Keep this in mind....... U may be his girl friend but now I'm his wife so don't dare to get closer to him........

Advay : Anika.....

Anika : Enough of ur stupid talks...... Mr. Ex Husband....... U said that u was not able to touch me even after being my Husband...... It shows what is ur quality..... U don't deserve me....... And about one night stand...... I'm not a property that u can sell me...... I'm Shivaay's wife....... Even if I ll divorce him..... I ll never come to u..... Keep this in ur mind...... Don't think that I'm so dependent....... I'm a independent girl........ U don't have right to touch me....... Get out from here......

Advay was about to slap Anika but she held his hand.......

Anika : U think that girls r so weak but u r wrong.......

Shivaay : So Advay, u got ur answer so better get out from here.......

Advay went from there......

Riya : Shivaay......

Anika : Why do u want to interfere in our life...... Just get out...... Don't u have shame......

Saying this she encircled my arms with hers........

Anika : Shivaay is my Husband....... Always keep this in ur mind.......

Riya got angry and went out...... She then left my hand......

Anika : I'm sorry...... I know I don't have the right to interfere in ur life......And thanks for giving me strength and support..........

She was right, we are strangers...... Nothing more than that...... I looked at her...... She was angry...... I was confused......

Anika : Wipe off that lip stick mark from ur neck......

Just then I understood that there is lip stick mark on my neck and she is angry becoz of that...... I smiled and tried to wipe..... Seeing this Anika came closer to me and wiped it...... She was about to go but I stopped her........

Shivaay : Anika, what Advay told is true..... That u both didn't have any physical relation ......

She nodded her head indicating that its true........ She went to her room......... I smiled...... Then I went to office........


Anika's POV

It is already very late but till now Shivaay has not come...... Just then I saw him coming being drunk....... He was stumbling...... He saw me and got angry....... He came towards me and slapped me so hard that I fell down.....

I was shocked at his behaviour..........

Guys, how was it???........

Target : 90 votes and 90 comments.........

I'm bit busy so I gave a big target........ Sry.........

By 😍Ashwathy😍

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