"Hey, Nina! Wasn't sure if you would come so I already started doing an essay," he apologized with a faint blush.

"Oh, it's alright, don't worry. Umm... sorry to keep you waiting," she took the seat opposite him and took out her work material.

She was a ball of nerves inside. Not even sure where she was going to start. Or if she would start anything.

In her mind she was debating whether it was a good idea to even bring it up. Helena was in the middle of her O.W.L.s year and could barely keep up her busy schedule now that she added helping the Weasley twins with their business and practicing Quidditch whenever she could. Not to mention the stress of having dementors flying around the school ground in search of a wanted murderer.

"Are you okay?" Cedric asked, putting a comforting hand over hers.

She didn't want another thing to worry about so she decided to not say anything. Love would have to wait.

"Everything is fine."

                                         ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

On their way to Defense Against the Dark Arts the next day, the twins almost lost it when Helena told them she would keep her feelings inside until the time was right. But that was another way of saying she was scared to tell Cedric.

"Honestly, woman!" Fred shouted in desperation, his voice echoing through the hallway getting questioning looks from other students. "It's not that hard to tell someone how you feel," he said much more softer.

"Easy for you to say!" Nina snapped back. She already felt terrible for bottling up her feelings for Cedric and wasn't able to sleep thinking about it.

"Fred," the other twin placed a calming hand on his brother's back, "give the girl some slack. I'm sure Rosemund will muster some courage next time." George gave Nina a sympathetic nod.

"I guess you are going to need our help," Fred commented coming to his senses. "But when I get to tell a girl I like her, I'll let you know to show you just how easy it is!" he cockily said.

They entered the classroom along with the Ravenclaws to start their morning lesson, but to everyones surprise and horror, they found Professor Snape at the front of the poorly lighted classroom, arms crossed over his chest with an unpleasant sneer at their arrival.

The students took their seats with a level of hesitation, wondering why their best Defense teacher so far was not present.

"May I ask where is Professor Lupin?" a Ravenclaw girl bravely said with her hand up.

"You may not." Snape responded bluntly, causing the Weasleys to chuckle from the back of the room. "Ten points from Gryffindor for disrupting the class."

There were moments when Nina didn't approve of the twins' behaviour during a lesson, especially in the presence of Professor Snape. But she thought it wasn't fair how the gloomy teacher freely took points from Gryffindor out of spite.

"But is Professor Lupin alright?" Nina asked worried. He was their favorite teacher after all.

"Any more questions regarding your Dark Arts teacher and I will take twenty points from both Houses." Snape threathened.

Helena had no choice but to stay quiet and get her answer some other time. Angelina, who was sitting next to her at the front, shrugged her shoulders at Nina.

"Since you are fifth years," the professor looked down at the upset students before him, "I assume you are well advanced in your Dark Arts knowledge, your O.W.L. examination only months away."

Therefore," Snape continued, "you will all follow me outside." He ordered, marching past the confused and weary students who walked behind the teacher.

"Do you think he'll murder us?" Fred whispered to Nina when the twins caught up to her.

"Maybe he will show us where he goes to cry every year he is not named Defense teacher," George snickered making his brother and Nina laugh quietly.

The Gryffindors and Ravenclaws where gathered on the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest, not too far from Hagrid's hut.

They were all wondering what the lesson would be about, most of them unsure of what Snape had planned for them.

"It is to my understanding," the greasy haired man said, "and from the terrible essays I've read, that you have been studying dangerous creautures."

I think it is time you prove you actually learned something with Lupin," Snape's face filled with disgust just mentioning his fellow staff member. "So you will entering the Forbidden Forest to see how you manage with said creatures in there element and not some classroom."

To say the students were afraid is an understatement. They were petrified at what Snape had suggested and couldn't believe it. Sureley they had heard wrong.

"Well?" Snape said with a slight bored tone to his voice.

"Sir," Helena started bewildered, "you don't expect us to waltz in there and...?" she couldn't finish her sentence. She was frightened at what could be dwelling in the forest, creatures they weren't aware existed.

"Miss Rosemund," Snape said raising his voice with annoyance, "since you have been asking many questions today, you will go first... alone."

The girl gulped.

"You can't force her to walk in there!" shouted Fred in protest.

"Dumbledore surely didn't allow this!" George joined in disbelief.

Many other students muttered their disagreement with the lesson, the chatter growing defiantely.

"Quiet!" the professor barked. "Another ten points from Gryffindor and if Miss Rosemund delays the class even further, I will take ten more!"

The students fell silent at once, all worried eyes on the girl who was now a shade paler. But none of them were as anxious as the twins, preoccupied for their friend.

Nina's hands were sweaty, one of them holding her wand she had taken out. Her body shaking with nerves for the unknown.

She inhaled deeply and took the first step into the Forbidden Forest.

To Hell ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now