Chapter 64.

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"She's just as involved in this as Harry."

Everyone had their attention on the former Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. For one, Helena's friends did not know she had been officially invited to meetings of the Order of the Phoenix, only Fred, and they were feeling a bit offended they had been excluded, especially after spending most of their summer doing chores for the Order. 

Helena could swear those letters came from Dumbledore. The handwriting was unmistakable. 

But why was Lupin the one to send them?

"Sirius is right, Molly," Remus Lupin said, clearing his throat. "Harry has the right to ask about You-Know-Who since he was there to see him. It's because of Harry that we know he came back. And Helena... Well, she's a Seer. I heard she stopped that Diggory boy from having a tragic death because of a vision she had."

Lupin sighed, passing a hand through his hair. He was tired.

"It was up to me to decide if Helena was to be invited to the Order, Dumbledore's request," the man explained and then turned to face the girl. "He gave me those letters and after a lot of thinking, I decided it was best to have you be part of the Order. With your ability maybe we can figure out You-Know-Who's next move."

"Then what was all that 'Dumbledore not wanting us to chase something we don't know if it will come true' you said the other night?!" Mrs. Weasley asked outraged. "Was all that a lie?"

"N-No, of course not!" Lupin defended. "That is what he thinks and he has a good point. Why expose her to dangers we ourselves have trouble with? Reason says that we can't rely on a young girl's visions for matters involving You-Know-Who when she does not have experience as a Seer."

Helena did not like being discredited like that. She was about to respond when Lupin continued...

"But it's not just any girl we're talking about. It's Helena Rosemund, the best student in her year," the man smiled kindly.

The seventeen-year-old wanted to cry. 

Someone else believed in her ability and did not look at her weird for it, coming from an adult that is. Helena had her friend's support but she wanted to be heard by the Order of the Phoenix. Deep down she also believed she could help them and that she had to be part of the meetings, but there was this other part that doubted her place.

"I had two visions last year and they were both true. One I could stop from becoming real, and the other, well... I couldn't decipher it in time. I'm not going to lie to the Order. I can't control who I have my visions about," the girl informed Lupin, expressing what she had been thinking during the summer. "I don't even know when they will happen. If I could just figure out how to trigger my visions to happen, I can be of use! But I need help."

I hope my speech can convince the rest of the Order as well.

The part of the Order that was present stayed silent for they had no idea how to help Helena with her visions. What they had heard about Seers was not confirmed information and their knowledge of the subject was limited. It was rare to know one in a lifetime.

Helena took their silence as a big 'no' and with that, her speech went down the drain.

"You can't rely on someone like me, I get it," she said, getting up from her seat as she was ready to leave the matter behind. Helena was getting tired and did not want to start an argument. "Dumbledore is right."

"No, he's not."

Everyone in the room was drawn to Fred's voice, who had a severe expression while locking eyes with Helena.

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