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If only I could take back a year to rid of naivety and turn that year into the development of a sensible exemplar, I would not have chosen to fall in love.

The reciprocity of our affection has almost never been an issue until I had been introduced to a new mentality through self-education, whether it had been through experience or a message that the Almighty purposed me to hear.

I am the devotion of his heart and the idol of his future. For a year I had been consuming myself in time thrown away prevailed on a being no greater than myself.

It was always me faltering in my feelings for that man. Undoubtedly, he still flourishes in love. But whenever it was time to love, I loved heavily and arrantly.

About a year prior, my late night cogitations would be geared towards him, and never would I look at myself to contemplate what would occur to me.

My talents and my passions flew away. Why is it that my love can grasp onto so little? He was the little that I could hold, the little I could love. It overwhelmed until there was no scope for the Lord or myself. If I had been only a year older, I could have been able to see the detriments in love.

In a reflection in the mirror, I see a mere girl; intensely fervid but not strong enough to sacrifice. Time and money is never enough when you're in love, yet that devilish duo is all the mere girl has to offer.

I urge those like me to cease any belief in their hearts if the Lord has not yet chosen that throbbing pulse as His place of slumber. Now is never a good time when you're not ready.

Even if I will be given the prospect to rearrange our past, love always persuades me to choose the ignorant action. What can I say, I become as dull-witted as love wants me to be.

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