•●•Chapter 1•●•

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❝They will pay. For you dear sister, I'll make them rot.❞


A male with white silverish hair walks into a bar. He has a mask covering his eyes. His lips are curved into a frown, and you can tell by his walking, he is not in the best of moods. He puts his hands in his Dark (F/D/C|favorite dark color) long coat. A white bandana was around his neck, and he was wearing black combat boots, that were not leather but almost a flexible metal. He walked to a red leather bar stool and leaned against the counter. His spiky white hair down casted his eyes.

"Hit me." He says to the bar tender who was cleaning a glass bear mug. The Bar Tender looks at him blankly.

"ID." The man goes back to cleaning the mugs. A greenish gold aroma surrounded the white hair males fist.

"I said; Hit me." The Bar Tender feels the magic aroma.

"Yo-your a mage?!?" He seemed a little shakin, the only mage's around the town Calaisfeild was the dark guild members near by.

"Yes. I am. I'm about to do a mission, and I don't feel like doing it this intense, so please be a kind sir." The silver man slams his hand down causing a slight sonic boom in the air. "And give me a drink." He growled out.

The Bar Tender, hurried and got a shot for the man. He set the cup down in front of the Mage and took a step back.

"Your name." The white haired mage asked, while drinking his shot in one glup, and then giving it back to the Bar Tender.

"My names Gagory." he managed not to stutter. "Gagory Smith." The Mage nodded and dranked another Shot.

"I'm (Y/n), (Y/n) Queer, and I'm here to take out the dark guild." He said flashing a devilish grin.

"Y-your a Queer?!" Gagory suddenly appeared in front of (Y/n) and bowed on his knees. "Your, Majesty." Gagory eyes were wide while looking down.

"I was told this village new about the Queers from the dark times." (Y/n) looked at Gagory. "Rise. You do not have to bow before me." He said to Gagory kindly.

Gagory raised hesitantly. "But your family are the ones to bring magic to are lands, to save us from slaughter, why do you ask to not bow." Gagory found this werid. From the books Queer's are usually very prideful when getting recognised, and are powerful Mage's in magic.

"For those were the old times. The times I wish to go back to." (Y/n) muttered before standing up. "I must leave, thank you for your generosity, Gagory. I will remember this." (Y/n) tossed a gold coin and Gagory Barely caught it. "There's the pay." (Y/n) started to walk out, but you can see a wooden sword that had a weird looking blade with lines on it.

Gagory's eyes widen at seeing the blade. "Wait! Are you THE (Y/n)!" But it was too late, (Y/n) Queer was gone, and in his place was a golden small key like sword.


❝Let's kick some ass❞

The trees seemed less Healthy the more and more you get into the forest. the land was like... a plant wasteland. But in the center was the cause of this wasteland. A dark looking building, stood tall and almost proud as bats flew around it, as the guild leader. Valiant Ruster; a mage with a sick humor with bats, and magic is based off the spieces. Stood by a glass stained window. His vampire like teeth grinned sadistly as a skinny male walked into the room.

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