DA Classes

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At midnight a few weeks later, Draco, Hermione, Zoe and I are heading to the Room of Requirement, and I can hear the whispers of Zoe and Hermione behind me, excited for what's in store. But, I'm anything other then ready. When we enter the Room of Requirement, I see a crowd of people surrounding Harry. Draco and I stick to the back of the herd and listen carefully.

"Tonight we are going to start off easy; Expelliarmus," Harry says loudly.

And with that, the lessons begin. I pair up with Draco and I get it on the first try, watching his wand fly across the room. Everyone's eyes are on me. 

"Well done Blake!" Harry congratulates, silencing the awed silence. 

I've gotten the hang of spells easily and shrug off his compliment, making Draco do the same to me. I already know half the spells Harry is teaching, by I manage to perfect them under his watchful eye.


The infamous Dumbledore's Army is in full swing, especially since  Umbridge's an oblivious headmaster now. Draco even seems to be enjoying it, even though we don't talk much. When Harry decides to teach patronuses, Draco pulls me aside.

"Can you teach me this one day? Just you and me?"

And so I do. We come back to the Room of Requirement and continuously practice until he makes a beautiful patronus taking the shape of a Maned Wolf. We both watch the wolf and leopard glide gracefully along the dark room. He puts his arm around my shoulder.

"You're a pretty great teacher Blake."

I grin and look up at him, closing my eyes as he kisses me- the white whisps of our patronuses flashing behind my closed eyelids.

Forever and Always - A Draco Malfoy Love Story -EDITING-Where stories live. Discover now