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Lia woke to the sun's bright rays in her eyes. She picked up her phone to check the time.


With a groan she sat up in bed, stretching her arms up in the air. Once again she had barely gotten to bed at a decent time, thoughts of Grayson keeping her tossing and turning for hours until she fell into a restless sleep.

It had been a year since she had last seen him.

At first, for months, Grayson called and texted her relentlessly. It was so hard to not reply or pick up the phone but she knew it was the best choice.

Aaliyah had left because she had gotten pregnant with Grayson's child.

Grayson and Ethan were at the prime of their career. She didn't want to ruin it. Lia didn't want to be the cause of destroying everything they had built for themselves . If their fans had found out about the baby, she was sure that they would all turn on the boys. She could never let that happen.

Aaliyah had their baby girl, Lyric, 9 months later. She had moved back home to Indiana from California to live with her mom, and with this move she had fallen into a deep depression. Living life without Grayson wasn't easy.

Eventually it got to the point where she changed her number to stop receiving messages and calls from Grayson because she couldn't take it. Her love for him never stopped. Even after a year of not speaking, it had only gotten stronger.

Aaliyah got up and crossed the hallway into Lyric's bedroom. She was awake, and when her mother came into her view she crowed happily. Lia smiled and scooped her up in her arms.

"Good morning, babyyy." She cooed. She walked down the stairs and placed Lyric on her play mat leaning her against the couch for some support.

"Wanna watch daddy?" She asked Lyric. The baby smiled. Aaliyah opened up her laptop and played a Dolan Twins video on autoplay.

She stood up and watched as Lyric happily looked at her father through the screen. Lia turned away abruptly. Lyric resembled Grayson so strikingly that sometimes looking at her was too much to bear.

As she was heating up a bottle, her mother strolled in from upstairs.

"Good morning!" She said brightly.

"What are you doing up so early, Mom?" Lia asked as she washed dishes.

"It's a big day today. You're going on a one way trip." her mother chirped.

Aaliyah laughed sarcastically. "And what trip might that be? Another trip to the grocery store for things? You know, you don't have to be so extra. Just write me a list of what I'm getti-"

"Lia, you're going back to California."

Aaliyah let the dishes fall with a loud bang into the sink. Inside the living room, Lyric began to cry probably startled from the noise.

Aaliyah rushed to get her, picking her up and holding her tightly in her arms. As she rubbed her back her cries died down.

"Mom what are you talking about? This is a joke right?"

"No. It's not. Look at you. Have you looked in the mirror lately? You don't take care of yourself anymore! You're so thin. And that CHILD needs her FATHER Aaliyah! He has a right to know!"

"Stop it. How dare you even say that. You have no idea what's best for me, I'm trying to do the right thing here." Lia's voice had gone cold. She was so angry. Her mother knew how hard it had been for her and she was acting as if she actually had another choice.

"You can't make me go," She said. "I'm eighteen now."

"You're still my daughter! And damn it I already paid for these tickets so you're going! I've been planning this for months. You're all set up at an apartment complex. I need you to find Grayson and do what's right."

"No, I-"

"I said what I said. Your flight leaves at eleven so go pack. I'll take watch over Lyric until you're done."

With that, Lia's mom scooped up the child from her arms, turned on her heel and stalked into the living room.

Aaliyah couldn't even fathom what was happening. Seeing Grayson...she was going to see Grayson again...speak to him?....he was going to know the truth?


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