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(Y/N) P.O.V.

After yesterday I'm even more confused Luke said I've always been on their side yet that boy who can't be older than 15 or 16 said I'm his sister but if we're on different sideshow come he was happy to see me and why did he promise to help me? Did I need help? Was I useless? I was tired of not having these answers so I walked to Luke's cabin so I could ask him

I knocked on the door and I heard footsteps and the unlocking of the door I looked up to see Luke had answered my knock, might I add without a shirt "Lilith? What are you doing here?"

"I need to ask something about my past because I'm confused and I hate it because I feel like there's something on and it's about me, I'm also not talking our plot to take Olympus"

"*sigh* Come in you deserve to know some of your past" I walked past him into the room, and just sat down on the couch looking at my hands that were in my lap

"Lilith?" Luke placed his hand underneath my chin and lifted it up I pulled away blushing

"You seriously should put on a shirt, I mean I know we're friends but still have some decency" he chuckled at my statement and put on a shirt, he then returned and sat across from me I was messing with my hands because I was scared what I would find out

Luke noticed this I guess because he grabbed my hands which made me look at him with a blush on my cheeks "Lilith what's going on the past few weeks you haven't been so insecure like this"

"I know but I feel like this isn't home and I'm in enemy territory, I don't understand it and to be honest I'm scared" he pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back soothingly because tears had unintentionally come out of my eyes

"Everything will turn out just fine I'll tell you what I know about you" he took a deep breath

"I met you when I came to camp at 16, with Thalia and Annabeth. Thalia was 14 and Annabeth was 7 you saw Annabeth but Thalia is with the Hunters of Artemis, you were already at camp when we met you but when we had actually met you, you had been on a quest and met up with us you told us where to go if we had wanted safety and then you continued on while we made it to Camp-Half Blood a couple days later you came back and you didn't talk to me or Thalia well you talked to Thalia not me, also Annabeth the reason I think you talked to her the most was because you got along mainly with Artemis and she hate's men so I think it rubbed off but then I realized you were being cautious because I was almost an adult while Thalia and especially Annabeth could be persuaded"

"Why did they need to be persuaded?"

"At the time the only force strong enough to protect demigods was the gods themselves so you were trying to persuade them to stay so they wouldn't die or have to face losing their family again, which it actually worked because we stayed and Thalia went on a quest with you a week later but she had died you blamed yourself so you cut off everyone except for Annabeth and Chiron you felt horrible so no one actually saw you for a couple weeks and then we did see you but you left for another quest, and eventually only Annabeth and Chiron saw you or talked to you then one day about a week before your brother came you slowly started to train with everyone else and once your brother came we saw you everyday still don't know why"

"So this is all you know about me is I used to be on the enemy's side now I'm here and I was extremely depressed and introverted till my twin showed up and then I was depressed and introverted outside my cabin"

"That actually sums it up pretty well, except I never told you that I liked you"

"I like you too Luke, I also like most of the crew"

"No, I mean like-like"

"I don't get it"

"Lilith your not making this easy"

"Well I'm sorry but I don't get what you mean"

"argh I'll just show you" and with that, he kissed me on the lips I was so startled that I shoved him off and ran to my room locked my door and started crying because I was scared and it didn't feel right being here on this boat

Luke's P.O.V.

I'm so stupid why did I kiss her, why did I even confess in the first place and now it's my fault she probably hates me now

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