Cloud 9

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Snowboarder Kayla Morgan (Dove Cameron), the best girl shredder in Summit Valley, competes in a snowboarding challenge and wins for the girls' division. With her Swift snowboarding teammate/boyfriend, Nick Swift (Mike Manning), who is also the son of team coach Sebastian Swift (Jeffrey Nordling), she trains as a part of the Swift Team to win the "Fire and Ice" snowboarding competition. A year ago, a viral video branding the famous, legendary snowboarder Will Cloud (Luke Benward) as an "epic failure" caused Will to end his snowboarding career. He wiped out attempting a move he created in Fire and Ice, called the Cloud 9, and almost died, allowing the Swifts to take the win. Now, Will works at his family's dog-kennel with his mom, Andrea (Amy Farrington). During a pre-Fire and Ice party for the Swifts, Sebastian Swift tells Nick that he needs to do whatever it takes to win Fire and Ice. After the party, Kayla, Nick, and their two other teammates find Will's sled that he left behind while taking a customer's dog for a walk. Kayla and Nick get on and ride the sled, however, Nick is unable to control it and apologizes to Kayla before falling/throwing himself out of the sled. Still riding, Kayla crashes through the mountain lodge sign, demolishing it and breaking the sled in the process. A security guard finds her and takes her home, and Kayla was abandoned by her teammates to take the blame. Will is informed that his sled is broken.

Her parents, Richard (Patrick Fabian) and Madeline, tell Kayla and Will that they will fix the sign, but Kayla has to work at the dog kennel every day after school to pay for Will's sled. She agrees, and she and Will argue about her presence at the kennel. During the argument, Will blatantly tells Kayla that even though she has won many medals, her board technique is rusty and she was only on the Swift team because her dad owned the resort and supplied the team with money.

After school, while working at the kennel, she receives a voice mail from Sebastian that she is kicked off the team because of her misconduct. Furious, she marches up to Nick and they have a serious discussion. He and the others knew about her dismissal from the team but wouldn't do or say anything about it. When Kayla presses further, Nick comes straight out with the truth he's been trying to avoid and explains that she can't win Fire and Ice, due to her faulty riding.

The next day, Kayla is seen mopping the floor and has arrived at the kennel earlier than Will. When Will arrives, he is with his friends, Dink (Carlon Jeffery) and Sam (Andrew Caldwell). While Will is lecturing Sam on his poor snowboarding, Kayla realizes that Will truly does know what he is doing. Later, Will and his friends leave leaving Kayla in charge. After she locks one of the dogs, Donald, in his cage, Kayla gives another a bath. Donald mischievously unlocks the cage and lets the other dogs out. She discovers their escape and chases them through town. Later, she talks to Nick again, and he decides that they should break-up, saying that she is distracting him from the competition. When Kayla returns to the kennel with the dogs, she pleads to be fired, but Andrea refuses. Back at home, her friends Pia and Lindsay try to comfort her and bring themselves to watch the viral video and see how Will got injured.

Kayla asks Will to train her for Fire and Ice so she can really know snowboarding and work on her technique. She also offers to remodel the kennel to bring in more customers. Will denies that he still loves snowboarding and refuses to coach her. Infuriated, Kayla keeps trying to talk reason into him. He blatantly replies that she does not have a team to compete with, and so there would be no point in teaching her anyways. Kayla sees his old teammates and decided that they could be a team together. Kayla then notices the really famous shredder, Skye Sailor (Kiersey Clemons), and realizes the Swifts have replaced her with Skye. She tries to reason with Will again, telling him not only have the Swifts replaced her, but they beat Will too and he hasn't snowboarded since. Will then agrees to train them.

At school, she tells her friends that Will is going to coach her and introduces them to Sam and Dink. She sees Nick and is incredulous when he silently 'what-upps' her. Spotting Skye, she points her out to her friends, who comfort her by reminding Kayla that Skye was wearing double studs, which was "so last season."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2017 ⏰

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