the truth

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Hi guys! So this is my first story and i just want to say sorry if it sucks. I am a huge fan of dan and phil and i absolutely love these guys. ^_^ (ps i ship phan #phan4life) so please comment of what you think because i am always open to new ideas. Thanks- amazing_kiindra

(Ps dan is underlined and phil is not. Please share ^_^)

Hi dan!

Hi phil

Soo... i have something to tell you. ...

What is it phil you can tell me anything.

*sigh* I'm. ..


I'm. .. gay

Wait... what!

Dan hated me now didn't he, he was a about to storm out of the house and run wasn't he... i knew this would happen.

Welll.. I'm gay too.

Wait .. what! *phil starts crying. Warm tears roll down his face , but dan wipes them away.*

Whats wrong phil?

I just it's just. I couldn't speak! For 7 years now i have wanted to tell dan and i turns out he is the same.. but the big question was... does he feel the same way about me that i do about him?

So dan...

Yes philly.

If you are gay...


Who do you like??

Um well..

He blushes.. he looks so cute with his dimples and curly hair.

Yes dan...

It's uh... you

I mutter the word you so phil can't hear it probably. I can't belive he is gay as well.. i thought he was straight.. I've been waiting to tell him for 7 years now..

I like you too dan...

To be continued. .....

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