Basket Case

58 2 0

t.w.- self harm mentions/ suicide mentions

Joshua!: hey dudeeeee we haven't talked in a week I miss my favorite kik buddy :(

Tyler hears a ringing sound from his phone, marking the presence of a notification.

Tyler's wrists are held together by thick bandage, piecing together the broken skin that Tyler hoped would've marked the end for him.

TyTy: hi josh

Tyler types slowly, the bandages slightly restricting the movement of his fingers

Joshua!: how are you? I've missed you

TyTy: not too good actually

Joshua!: Tyler what's wrong

TyTy: well for starters I was just released from the hospital for trying to "harm myself"

Joshua!: Tyler did you try to, yanno-

TyTy: yes

Joshua!: well ty okay you ready for some cliche movie shit? Because that's what's happening. No but Tyler I really do care about you and you should know that you're able to talk to me if you need to!! I'm here to help

TyTy: thank you josh, I'm tired goodnight

Joshua☹️: goodnight ty :'(

Tyler lay in his bed, his eyes stuck to the eggshell-white paint on his ceiling. His eyes were pried open by wild thoughts of the mysterious internet friend he met. Tyler needs josh to stay

a/n long author notes bother me but this fic is going b really dramatic k bye

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