He Grabbed Her In His Arms & Thats All She Ever Needed

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"He grabbed her in his arms and that's all she ever needed."

Sharna's phone buzzed signaling she had a text but she decided to ignore it. Tonight was about her, her puppies, and whatever ridiculous movie she could find on Netflix. Her phone buzzed three more times before she groaned and reached for the stupid device.

"This better be good, you're interrupting my...oh." She said with a smile. The first one was a picture of her Shai bug in the last set of pajamas she had bought him with a caption that read, "I love my Aunt Sharna and miss her cuddles." She quickly texted Peta back to set up a date to see her favorite nephew. It had been about a week since she had seen the little munchkin.

She then moved on to check the other three texts, which were from Noah. She smiled happily realizing just how much she missed her old partner. There had never been anything sexual or romantic there for them since he was getting engaged to Jamie however it was just easy and comfortable. She could have used some of that easy and comfortable this season.

'So what's my favorite red head up to tonight?'
'Ignoring me I see.'
'Fine, fine, I see how I rank on your list, Miss Burgess.'

She giggled slightly as Daisy came and curled up on her hip. She was going to text him back but decided that hearing his voice would be more therapeutic. She dialed his number hoping she had missed her window of opportunity.

"Ohhhh now she answers." He answered on the second ring.

"Hey you." She said softly as her fingers trailed through Daisy's hair. Duke came and curled against her belly jealous that he was missing the cuddle fest.

"Hey, you okay?" He said immediately catching the off tone in her voice.

"I...yeah. Just tired. Exhausted honestly. Mentally. Not physically."

"Babe." He pressed.

"I'm okay Noah. I promise. Now what are you up to?"

"Well, I'm actually in LA. I had some meetings today and some tomorrow. I was going to see if you wanted some company if you weren't busy. But since you're probably just relaxing, it's..."

"No! I want to see you." She interrupted him and with much more intensity than she intended. "Sorry, I just, when I seen your texts I realized how much I missed you. I'm not very fancy since I was just planning on puppy cuddles and Netflix but I would love your company. And I'm sure you have a room but my guest room is yours if you'd like."

"Pizza?" He asked.

"Olives and chicken?"

"Always. I'll be there in 15. Pick a movie babe. We'll just continue your relaxation night."

"See you soon." She said with a small grin as she hung up. She pulled Duke and Daisy up a little closer to her and snuggled them in.

"Mister Noah is coming to visit him. He was one of my partners like Bon....that guy we don't really like huh? Noah, however, he was a sweetheart. He was in the army and he lost his one arm and leg but you'd never know it. He's never backed down and he always puts up a good valid fight. And even when he was frustrated, he never took it out on me. I promise, not all of mommy's partners are like the mean guy." She said as she closed her eyes for a few moments and just took in her babies.

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