round 2

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Sokka- why not? Zuko- plenty of reasons! Haru - exelent but lets raise the stakes every kiss must last 10 seconds and must be open mouth buy tongue is optional.  Sokka-  agreed. Zuko- this is a terrible idea! Aang-  agreed. Haru- I will start. He spins the boomerang and it lands on katara. She blushes while Aang glares at Haru. Katara and Haru kiss with Haru put his tongue in her mouth. They part. Katara-  a lit warning next time. Haru- sorry. Aang-  wait what did you! Sokka- did you stick your tongue in my sister mouth? Zuko-  I warned you. Katara-  I ok no harm done you don't need to over react. Sokka calms down but Aang looks ready to go avatar state. Teo-  my turn. He spins the boomerang and it lands on katara. They kiss but no tongue. Aang looks even more angry now and is trying to hide it but failing.  Toduke now spins the boomerang and it again lands on Katara. Katara is surprised. Toduke kisses her but with out tongue. Toph-  wow sugarqueen is getting alot of sugar. Katara-  shut up. Sokka spins the boomerang and it lands on his sister. They both look horrified while Toph, Teo, Haru ,  and Toduke  laughs. Zuko- I ... Sokka-  oh shut it I know you warned me. Katara-  and i hate you. Sokka-  love you too sis. They kiss for the required ten seconds then part both spiting and whipping their lips. Toph again laughs. Zuko spins the boomerang and it lands on Katara. Katara-  seriously.  Zuko- I did not plan that ask your brother it his toy. Sokka-  it is not a toy. Katara-  lets just get this over with. Katara kisses Zuko and he brushes her lips with his tongue she lets him enter and they kiss until the tens seconds was up. They part out of breathe.  Aang is now refusing to look at katara and on the verge of blowing up. Aang angerly spins the boomerang and it lands on Katara. Aang is shocked but also pleased. Katara- oh come on me again! She realizes what she just did but Aang is already getting up. Katara-  oh Aang I am sorry its nothing against you. Toph-  then why did you say that right when he got you on his turn. Katara-  I am just tried if all the kissing that all Aang please come back. Sokka-  yeah Aang no need to quit you know katara was not trying to hurt you. Aang-  it sure sound like it but I never liked this game anyway I am done. Katara-  Aang stop please I am really sorry I was not trying to insult you.  Aang-  good bye katara.  Aang keeps walking but katara runs up and turns him around to face her then gives him the most passionate and loving kiss she could possibly give as soon as their lips meet she push her tongue in his mouth. Aang was stunned but instinctively put his arms around her as she did the same. Sokka's jaw dropped. Suki-  aw that's sweet. Zuko- nine thousand ten thousand eleven thousand spirits are they ever going to stop. Haru-  wow they are really going at it. Aang and Katara just kept kissing and getting even closer together.  Sokka- ok ten seconds are up you can stop now seriously stop! Sokka walk up and tries to pull them apart only to be slapped by Katara. Katara-  back off Sokka! Plus we could hear everything you guys said. Sokka-  well its your turn and the time limit was up. Katara kicks the boomerang and it spins and lands on Aang.  They start right back as they left off. Sokka-  seriously!  Suki- wow they are good at that. Sokka-  Suki you suppose to be on my side! Suki- sorry. Zuko-  spirits they are going to suck each other faces off. Sokka-  enough! They part and glare at Sokka.  Suki- my turn. She spins the boomerang and it lands on Zuko.  Zuko- I told... Sokka-  I know. Zuko and Suki kiss.  Toph - my turn.  She spins the boomerang and it lands on Zuko.  Zuko- oh n... Toph kisses Zuko then they part. Hakoda-  kids is... Citchang- I think they were... Hakoda-  I know Sokka katara we need to talk. Both - yes sir. Katara-  your fault.  Zuko- I told them! Everyone-  we know.

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