"I need a good fuck but your mother is sleep right now, so I thought I could use you. "

Harry was full on crying by now, and his father pulled down their pants.

"Here's what it feels like getting your ass stretched out faggot!" His father yelled into Harry's ear.

He quickly slammed his dirty dick into Harry and fucked him, not bothering to prep him.

He ignored Harry's blood curdling cry that woke up his mother.

She ran into Harry's room and her heart dropped at the sight of her husband raping her gay son.

She was still disgusted by Harry so she didn't bother helping him.

"M- mom help me! " Harry sobbed and hid his face, trying to push his sick father off of him.

She only watched with a straight face, not bothering to do anything about it.

Harry's heart broke right there, his mother didn't even want to help him.

The mother who promised that she'd never turn on him and would always love him.

~~ That one night of raping turned into a casual thing.

Harry would be doing his homework and the devil himself would rape him.

But one night.. His father wanted some lady heat.

Des tried to rape his wife, and Harry wasn't having that.

"Hey you son of a bitch! Let her the fuck go!" , he screamed at his father who was trying to rip off Anne's clothing.

"Take me instead!"

She didn't try to stop Harry, as long as she wasn't the one getting raped then she was fine.

"Oh you want it instead fag? I see that you love getting your ass teared apart," Des chuckled and grabbed Harry.

He didn't even fight back this time, he was used to the feeling already.

~~ That time when Harry first left Zayn, he got raped when he came home.

The time where he TRIED to leave Zayn was because of a phone call from his mother saying that she needed him home.

He knew exactly why.

He would have gotten raped again if it wasn't for Zayn saving him that day.

(Phone call from chapter 10)

H:well I don't know when I'll be coming back...
A: I need you home now
H:Mom why can't you let me be happy?
A:Because you're gay! Who are you with?!
H:Well I'm not going to say who I'm with...
A:whatever come home, now!
H:you can't force me to come back home mom...
A:yes I can Harold, you better get here!
H:Fine. I'll leave him,  even though I promised him that I wasn't going to...
A:i don't care about your boy issues! H:Well I care. Look, I'll be home tomorrow at like three...
A:then are you going back over there Harold? Don't be stupid.
H:no I won't come back here ever again...
A:you know.. I used to love you but I dont think so anymore
H:Yeah you too. Bye.

Anne was getting raped the times when Harry wasn't home, she didn't care that he was kidnapped, she only cared if he was there to take up for her to not get raped by her own husband.

Even though Zayn kidnapped him, he was actually Harry's hero.


Harry finished his life story and sobbed into Zayn's chest, the tan skinned boy was crying as well.

How could someone do that to their own son?

He hugged Harry close to himself and breathed in his scent hating the way he tortured Harry when he was being held hostage.

"Harry those fuckers are in their places now, they won't hurt you again. I'd go through many more stabbings, or even worse just to keep you safe, " Zayn whispered into the shaking boy's neck.

"I- I love you Z- Zayn, " Harry cried.

Zayn kissed his forehead and sniffled.

"I love you more Harry, so much that I'd die for you. "

@/ N : I'm in tears... I'm sorry guys😥😭

✔[Zarry Stylik ] Stockholm Syndrome ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon