Chapter 1

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Darby's POV

"Bye, Mom!" I shout as I grab two apples from the bowl on the counter and toss one to my twin sister, Delaney. We run into the elevator and head down to the lobby. We greet Rosaline, the door-woman of our building, and wait in the lobby for our friend April O'Neil.

"Hey, Neily!" I greet as she steps out of the elevator. Delaney and I hug her and then we head to our bus stop. The bus comes in about 20 minutes, but since we live in New York, there's a bench at our bus stop so we can sit while we wait. I climb on the bus and head to our normal seat in the back, followed by Delaney and April. I sit in the aisle, Delaney at the window, and April in the middle.

"Yay, another day of school." I say sarcastically as I move my hair over my shoulder. I hate Mondays.

"Don't worry, school isn't so bad." April says. I laugh and gently punch her arm.

"Yeah, that's cause you're a nerd, Neily." April knows we're kidding because we call her a nerd all the time. She's really smart, but she's probably the least nerdy smart girl in the world.

"But you're the coolest nerd ever." Delaney says and April smiles and laughs.

"Heck yeah I am." We all laugh and talk about random nonsense the rest of the way to school. We pull up in front of our school, Roosevelt High School. It's an older school with the classic bricks and football field, track, soccer/lacrosse/field hockey field, softball/baseball diamond, and fenced in tennis courts. Our school is actually pretty decent and despite its age(I think it's like 40 years old) it's not crumbling apart or infested with bugs or mold. We don't have uniforms, thank goodness, and we rarely have fights. It's not that our school is strict with punishments for fighting, the kids in our school just don't fight, which is good. We have one of the best girls and boys track teams in the state, and we have one of the best football teams. We're called the Roosevelt Riots, and I feel like it's a great name for our school, because our school is a riot. The kids are hilarious, and so are the teachers. Our mascots are the best though. We get a couple students and dress them up in totally funny costumes, like Mario and Luigi, a banana, we even once dressed someone up as Barney. It's so funny to see the other team's face. Once during a basketball game, my friend Ricky was dressed up as Barney and the other team was so distracted when Ricky walked in that our team was able to make three baskets. It was so funny.

Delaney, April, and I walked upstairs to our lockers, which were right next to each other. We had asked in the beginning of the year for lockers next to each other, and luckily we were able to get them. April opened her locker and I laughed at all the stuff she had on the inside of the door. One Direction magnets, pictures, quotes, song lyrics, drawings, and stubs of concert tickets (only One Direction tickets, of course). We all liked One Direction, ok...adored them, but April by far was the worst of us.

"I see you added some new Niall pictures, huh?" Delaney said and we all laughed. April sighed dreamily and touched the picture.

"Of course I did! He's perfect!"

"Heck yeah he is!" I agreed and looked at my locker door. I had lots of Disney stuff. Pictures, quotes, song lyrics, drawings, magnets, and collages. I smiled at my masterpiece and grabbed my books for first period. I looked over at Delaney's locker door and smiled. Her's had pictures of all of us, as well as a few One Direction and Disney pictures. I looked at a picture of April, Delaney and I on the beach forming a heart with our arms. There was also pictures of us in Times Square, where we hung out a lot, and pictures of us at the Disney, M N' M's, Toys R Us, and Forever 21 stores in Times Square. I smiled at the memories and closed my locker, Delaney and April doing the same.

Since we have about 30 minutes in the morning before first period, we met up with a bunch of our friends and hung out by our lockers. I see two familiar figures walking toward us, and I smile.

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