Chapter 3: Just Close Your Eyes

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Chapter 3: Just Close Your Eyes

Lauren's POV

"Where are we going?" I asked Skilar for the hundredth time. I was following her as she walked a half a step ahead of me as she held my hand, she had put a blindfold around my eyes. I could smell her perfume so perfectly, her scent was so fresh and delicate.

"It's a surprise!" Skilar yelled back to me for the hundredth time.

"But I don't like surprises!" I whined, fake crying and hoping to gain her attention.

"But I do!" She said with a cheeky smile and evil laugh. I rolled my eyes behind my blindfold and eventually laughed along with her.

"I don't even know what you're wearing or anything, you like attacked me with a kiss then quickly blindfolded me." I said and I could hear Skilar laugh then a loud thump.

"Whoops! I'm okay! I just tripped!" She said through hysterical laughter and even though I couldn't see her, I laughed along. "By the way, I told you to just close your eyes and I gave you a quick kiss so technically, you didn't have to close your eyes."

"Okay! Enough of this, I just wanna see where we are!" I said playfully, but I was half serious.

"We're almost there." She said slowly then let go of my hand and said, "Stay right there."

"Does it look like I'm going anywhere? For all I know, if I took one step, I could fall into a pit of fire." I began to rant, very slightly annoyed Skilar was stalling for so long.

"Oh shut up Lolo!" Ski said laughing. She FINALLY took off my blindfold and I opened my eyes.

"Oh my gosh Skilar, it's beautiful." I said, nearly speechless. I looked around, taking it all in. We were on top of a large cliff that overlooked the ocean, that itself was a beautiful sight. But of course, Skilar went above and beyond and made everything else look beautiful. We were tucked away in a tiny grass clearing in the woods that overlooked the ocean. She had put a blanket on the ground and had a few candles lit all around. In her arms, she had a bag of food. "Ski, you didn't have to do this."

"But I wanted to." She replied with a wide smile. She wore a stripped blue and white shirt from Forever 21 and a pair of blue high waisted shorts, she looked so perfect. "I brought food," she said, lifting the bag up.

"Good because I'm starving." I said excitedly and she just laughed at how immature I had just acted.

"So how did school go for you?" Skilar asked as we both ate our Subway sandwiches.

"Ski, you have all but two classes with me, we see each other almost all day. What's there for me to tell you?" I said as I took another bite of my delicious sandwich.

"Okay true, I was just trying to start up a conversation." She said through a mouthful of food.

"Eat with your mouth closed." I scolded her.

"Oops, sorry bout that!" She said, still eating with her mouth wide open.

"It's only okay when you do it because you're cute." I said.

"Cute? That's all?" She asked cheekily.

"...beautiful, hot, stunning, gorgeous-" I began to list off.

"Okay! I get the point! By the way, you calling me hot makes me so uncomfortable." She said blushing.

"Yeah same, but it's true. Anyways, I forgot to tell you something." I started. "Jason asked me out again in AP Euro and tried to hit on me, oh my gosh he's so bad at trying. He was like 'hey wanna be my partner in this project?' and I was like 'what project?' and he handed me a paper that said something like 'will you go out with me?' it was so bad. I didn't want him to be suspicious of anything so I actually gave him a chance and said I'd go out with him if he told me what my favorite animal and candy is. He, of course, didn't get it right so he went back to his seat in defeat and I kinda tripped him."

"Everyone bow down bitches, Lauren is the queen." Skilar said as she herself bow downed to me.

"Shut up and watch your language, but that was funny." I said laughing as I playfully pushed her. "Anything exciting happen to you today?"

"Well, Stanford called me today." She said simply.

"Okay, go on!" I said excitedly, Skilar wants to go to Stanford so badly.

"And now I'm verbally committed there!" She said with a bright happiness in her eyes and I kinda tackled her.

"Oh my gosh! Ski, why didn't you tell me earlier?! This a huge!" I said, I think I was more excited about this than her.

"I wanted it to be a surprise." She said and added, "It's also not set in stone yet, I still have two more years of high school left."

"This is still so exciting, Skilar!" I said as I leaned on top of her and looked down at her beautiful face. Before I could stop myself, my eyes had gotten lost in hers and my lips had found hers. It was amazing, our lips moulded perfectly together. It was a short and sweet kiss that felt like it lasted forever but really just lasted ten seconds. I pulled away from her with a smile from ear to ear upon my face.

"I really love you Lauren." Skilar said as her blue eyes looked up at me.

"I love you more." I said and leaned down to kiss her again.

"Let's go home." She said once we had pulled apart. "Oh yeah, I brought some Sour Patch, it's in the bag."

My eyes lit up and she just laughed. We both began to fold up the blanket and blow out the candles.

"Wait." I said and Skilar stopped to turn to me and gave me a questioning look. "I wanna take a picture."

"Are you serious?" Skilar whined and I smiled.

"Hey, one day you and I will be miles apart and super duper busy and the only thing that will be comforting us are pictures of us together." I said.

"Okay fine, you've got a point, I never looked at it that way." Skilar said as she let out an exasperated breath. "Wait, so how are we gonna do this?"

"Here, lemme see your phone." I said and she handed it over. I opened the camera app up and put it on flash. I held her phone out and smiled while Skilar kissed my cheek as I took the picture.

"You're really adorable when you blush." Skilar said and gave me a quick kiss on my cheek. I bit my lip and looked down at the ground. "Hey, look at me, Lolo." I slowly lifted my head up and tried to hide my blushing. "You don't have to hide your blushing from me."

"Yeah sorry Ski, it's a habit." I said, shaking it off. We walked back to our neighborhood hand in hand but as we got closer to the public eye, we let our hands go. "So we're filming our 'I Want Crazy' cover tomorrow, you wanna come?"

"Sure, I probably have soccer but I'll text you." She replied with a smile. "You know that's like one of my favorite songs, right?"

"Yep!" I answered then said, "Ugh I gotta go, bye! Text me!" And with that, I walked back to my house thinking about how simple and perfect Skilar and I's date was.

A/N: Please excuse my lack of updating, I'm so sorry. I'm on spring break now so hopefully I'll be able to write a lot, I have a ton in mind already haha. Thanks for reading and please vote if you liked it and comment any ideas you have!

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