Chapter 2:Under the Evening Stars

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Sebastian's P.O.V

Time Period:Past

I'm still starving after my last contract.I should do one more contract with another human and hope for a interesting master for once.I should just find one quick.I'm not a very patient person you see.I wonder what kind of human I'll find this time.

I head up to Earth and stared around to find myself in a forest.It was about night it seems,but I guess I'll have to deal with it.I walked around the forest to search for the entrance,though I found nothing more than a little hut.A demon like me,lost?I must be tired, being near all those humans to much.Yes,that may be the case.I knocked on the door of the hut to see a girl with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes to answer.

"Good evening,but may I ask where I am?"I questioned.

"I'm not sure what this forest is called,but are you looking for directions?" said a girl with gentle (e/c) eyes.

This is going to be amusing. She looks so innocent,yet she looks isolated in this forest.Her (h/c) hair slowly ascending as the wind arrived.

"It's getting dark outside.Would you like to come in?"she asked.

"I would be honored." I replied with a smirked.

I entered the small hut and stared around.There isn't much to it.It was just a plain old hut; or so it seems.

"What's your name, if I may ask."I said.

"My name is ______ Ren.May I ask as well?" she replied.

"You may call me whatever you desire,my lady."I said.

Her eyes twitched.What if someone called you something rude.Wouldn't that hurt your feelings?"_____ questioned.

______'s eyes were filled with worry,though I didn't exactly care.I may not be fond of being called something rude,but as long as I get to eat their soul afterwards,it'll be ok.She looked very young to be living by herself in a abondoned forest.

"Where are you from? I want to learn about the things outside of the forest!" exclaimed _____.

A curious one we got here.I wonder if I can bait her into making a contract with me.She haves a mesmerising soul after all.

"From where I came from, your can only see fire. There is a few recorded history of where I came from I believe,but not much."

"Fire?" she said in confusion.

"Yes.Lots and lots."I replied.

______ looked down for a slight second and stared back up into my red eyes.

"Are you sad?" said ______. " Because....if you'll make you happy again!One day,I'll make to whole world happy!So,I promise that you will truly smile again!"

"I'll never truly smile.That's natural for a creature like me..."

"No matter what you are, you will always find happiness.My goal is to turn all the cold hearts in the world into a warm one!So,you should believe in yourself a little more,ok?" ______ said.

"Fine."I sighed.

"From today on,you shall be named Sebastian. Let's be friends!"

"You should know that a wish comes with a sacrifice.We should make a contract.I'll help you with your goal in exchange for your soul.Deal?"

"A.... Contract?" She muttered. "I guess I can make it work!"

She's willing to exchange her soul for such a petty wish that could be destroyed in second?This may go better than I thought...

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