12· Jealousy [Gunner 2]

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Your best friend Gunner has recently introduced you to his friend Tanner, ever since then the three of you are basically inseparable. You guys were the three musketeers, the Powerpuff girls, Ed Edd and Eddy, pretty much the office trio that everyone knew about and couldn't separate. Gunner and I were the closest, but I was slowly getting to know Tanner more and Gunner has been acting weirder lately. More distant.

"Tanner! Stop! t-t-tickl-ing me! I-I can't breathe!" I yelp for help as Tanner has me pinned on the floor tickling me.

"No! You ate my cookie!" He stopped to let me breathe

"Gunner! Help me!" Gunner runs over to me and wrestles with Tanner, the two boys who I hold near and dear to my heart were wrestling like Gunner and I used to do when we were small. Gunner ended up pinning tanner so I ran over and became the ref.

"Y/N start counting!" I slide over to the floor and start to yell

"3! 2! 1!" Gunner lets go and we're all lying down on the floor of the warehouse

"I'm impressed you still got it Gomez" I roll over and lie down on Tanner's chest, I see Gunner roll his eyes and go on his phone. After talking for awhile we all get up and go to our respective offices, I follow Gunner since I share an office with him. He has been acting weird and quite distant lately, I wonder why...I space out and not notice that Gunner has walked out of the room, I continue to edit the Team Edge Gaming video.

"Y/N I'm going on a food run, do you want anything?" Gunner pops his head through the crack of the door

"Can I come? Or is Connor going with you?, if he is then I'll just chill with Tann-" [Y/N]

"Yeah sure" he cuts me off and grabs his wallet from his desk

"Alright then, can I have your jacket? I'm cold" [Gunner]

"Why don't you use Tanner's?" This was weird Gunner wasn't usually like this, is he jealous?

"Okay.... never mind then" I follow Gunner to his car and I hop in the front seat

"Where are we headed to Mr. driver man?" I ask him to lighten up the mood

"Chipotle" he says very stern and monotone

"Alrighty then" I plug in my phone and start to blast my special playlist called "Gunner and Y/N's Edgy Playlist of Awesomeness". We get stuck in traffic. great. I guess I should talk to Gunner about how he has been feeling recently

"Hey Gun" I tap his hand lightly which was on the centre console

"mhm, what do you want?" He was mad. Oh boy. Gunner is never usually mad at me, but when he does it scares me

"What's been up lately? You've been distant from your best friend lately and it's hurting me" I rest my hand on top of his

"It's nothing you should worry about, just leave it" Something is definitely not fine, Gunner is never fine when he is serious and he says this. We then walk into Chipotle and order food for the guys and start to drive back to the office.

"Gunner I know something is wrong, please tell me I'm your best friend" At this point I'm really concerned and hold Gunner's hand

"STOP FUCKING WORRYING ABOUT ME Y/N I'M FINE, GO WORRY ABOUT TANNER IF YOU WANT SOMEONE TO TALK TO" We park at the office and my whole body goes into shock

"Y/N I'm so sorry I didn't mean to rais-" It's too late I run out of Gunner's car crying, I run into Connor's office and lock the door. I slide down Connor's door sobbing, he sees me and picks me up and carries me to the couch.

"Breath Y/N breathe, put your head on my chest and listen to my heart." I start to shake from crying so much, Connor pulls my head to his chest and I listen to his heart and calm down

"That's it, there you go. Alright tell me from the beginning" Connor rubs my head and I start to tell my tale

"So Gunner has been acting weird lately for some odd reason, and earlier today Tanner was tickling me and I asked Gunner to help me. They both wrestled and I got really tired so I laid down on Tanner's chest. Gunner rolled his eyes and went on his phone, then fast forward to a couple of minutes ago Gunner invited me to go get food with him so I did. I asked him what's wrong in the car and he snapped at me and yelled-" There was a loud bang on the door, it was Gunner.

"Connor! Is Y/N there with you?! I can't find her and she won't answer her phone" I check my phone 5 miss calls and 10 texts from Gunner, Connor looks at me and I shake my head

"She's not here man! I don't know where she is either!" I give Connor a big hug and continue to sob on his lap. He receives a text from Tanner asking if he could come in his office since he saw me run in crying. He shows me the text and I nod my head, he shoots a quick text back to Tanner and we hear a knock on the door. He sets me down and lets Tanner walk in and locks the door behind him.

"Hey, small bean what's up?" I sit in the middle with my head against Connor's chest and my legs over Tanner's

"Gunner flipped on her" Connor sensed that I couldn't say anything through my tears so he said it for me

"Hey Y/N I need to tell you something, it's about Gunner and why he has been acting all weird" I sit up and listen to Tanner

"Well Y/N the reason Gunner has been all weird and stuff is because he may have a little crush on you" I go into shock and look at Connor

"He does Y/N, he has for a long time" [Connor]

"I need to talk to him" I stand up and breathe heavy

"Are you sure, do you want Tanner and I to come?" I shake my head and I run over to the ware house there sits Gunner on a bean bag in the corner sobbing and looking on his phone

"Um hey Gunner" I walk over to him and take a seat on the turf

"look Y/N I'm sorry for raising my voice at you I didn't mean to I was just jealous of you and Tanner, because you're my best friend and I don't want to lose you but I feel like I am because I just yelled at you and now you hate me and I'll just leave" he begins to stand up and I push him down and sit on his lap

"Gunner. Do you like me? not in a friend way, like something more than that." He looks away and I pull his face to face mine

"Y/N you have been my everything for the past couple of years, I introduced Tanner to you so hopefully you would not notice that I liked you. I realized that you were drifting away from me and it hurt me so much, but I know I couldn't do anything about it. I Love You so much Y/N you don't understand how much it hurt me when I yelled at you earlier today" He was about to cry so I put my hand on his face. He puts his hand around my waist and I lean in, we meet in the middle and kiss. I have been waiting for this moment all my life, I finally kissed my best friend.

"I love you too Gunner" [Y/N]

"Y/N I wanted to give you a shot in high school but I was too scared to, so would you be my girlfriend?" [Gunner]

"Of course Gunner" We share a kiss and there are Connor and Tanner standing at the door

"Get a room love birds!" Tanner yells. We all laugh, today was a mix of emotions.




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