"I know, right? It's crazy. I was wearing black sweatpants and a hoodie when I landed, I nearly had a stroke" He agreed.

"I've basically done nothing but eat ice cream today" Andrew looked at me offended, or trying to play offended.

"Without me? But that's our thing" He whined fakely, putting his hand to his chest, pretending to be hurt.

"It's not my fault you're never home" i mocked, sticking my tongue out at him.

"Hey! I am home... sometimes"

"Yeah, like a day a year. You're obviously became too big to even bother coming home anymore" I continued teasing.

"Hey! Low blow"

"Come on, Bando. You can take it" I laughed, pushing his shoulder playfully.

"Only because it's coming from you. I know you love me" He provoked back. I rolled my eyes at him, laughing sarcastically.

"Yeah, don't count on that"

"Oh stop whining famous boy!" Andrew threw his head back, frustrated over my words. I loved it though and secretly, so did he.

"Come on Andrew, you know you adore me" I said, sending him a wide smile. He just raised his eyebrow, laughing at me.

"I miss hanging out with you" Andrew said honestly.
"Of course you do, I'm the bomb" I said, like it was obvious.

"Sure you are, but honestly Cyan.I miss being around you, I miss being Andrew , just Andrew, when I'm with you" He said, making our eyes meet.

I knew, He struggled sometimes with this whole fame thing and i knew, he was terrified of forgetting who he was.

The day, he'd gone on his first World tour, I'd  sworn to him, that if he ever started acting up or treating people differently, I'd  kick him in the fucking face.

"Is it hard being gone for so long?" I asked, Him he nodded.

"I mean, I love it. But..."

"But sometimes it would be good to be home"

"Exactly, getting to just be me. Me getting into all kind of trouble with you" He said, winking at me. He was done being serious now.

"Well-" I started, getting up from the ground.

Andrew followed me with his eyes. I held my hand for him to take, he did and I pulled him up.

"How about getting into some trouble tonight? For old time's sake?" I dared, raising an eyebrow.

"What do you have in mind?" He wondered.

"Come with me" I said, before pulling him after me. He followed my lead as I  walked down the streets in the middle of the night.

"You remember Betty?"
"That old lady from the bakery?" Andrew asked and i nodded.
"She was a pool she never uses" I dared him, biting my lip. Shawn shook his head at me.
"You're something special, you know that?" He laughed at me.

freudian  ☁︎  nico hiragaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora