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"Cyan,the guys are coming over for dinner"'

"okay" God.Guys night.One thing I hated,I loved Nicos friends and all but when they come over he treats me like his personal waitress saying things like "baby get this" "baby get that" ugh.

I was making the food in the kitchen,Nico was staring at me.

"perfect... now come here" he said leading me to the couch. he backed up to it and set down pulling me on to his lap.

"i don't know what you are thinking.. but i spent far too long doing my hair and makeup to let you mess this up" I said pointing to my face.

"i will be extra careful" he said with a smile as he put his hand on the back of my head and pulled my face to his so he could kiss me.After a few minuets things started to heat up as my hands went to his hair and his hands slipped under my shirt.

"Nico no..there isn't time for what you are wanting" I said with a laugh since i knew what he trying to do.

"there is time..if we are quick" he said as his lips went back to mine.his lips moved to my neck when suddenly I heard someone clear their throat and both of our heads turned to the side to see them standing there.

"i didn't know it was a dinner and a show" Koda said with a smirk.

"you guys are early" Nico said as I quickly jumped off off him and turned around to try and smooth out my clothing and hair

"how long have you been standing there?" Nico asked.

"5 minuets" Koda said as my mouth dropped open in embarrassment.

"it was just 2 seconds before you noticed us" Gabe said as he hit the back Kodas head. now that some time passed Nico was able to stand up.As he was standing up he mumbled something about them being cock blocks..Gabe laughed being the only one who heard.

I left a few seconds later to check on the food. it was done so we all set at the table and started eating.

The meal was pretty silent before Nico spoke up.

"okay..so you guys walked in on us-" Nico started but was cut of by Koda.

"about to have sex" Koda said with a laugh as he took another bite. the other boys laughed with him.

"no..we where...just..kissing" Nico said to them

"sure" Gabe quietly added.

"Nico..finding someone who is willing to have a quickie on the couch at 6 pm is a keeper..if anything finding you to like that made us like her more" One of Nicos friends Joel said as everyone at the table laughed and I blushed again

Once I was able to talk about it the awkwardness seemed to have lifted and I realized that all my worries before were silly as the rest of the night went perfectly.


I am sitting outside waiting for Nico to finish hanging out with his friends in a local bar. It's already 12 and I am beyond tired and annoyed. I thought tonight we were going to have a nice dinner,but no everybody wanted to go out.I was going to stay home,but somehow Nico found a way to drag me along to the "boys night"

I was literally the only girl in their circle out tonight and i had nothing better to do but sit back while they talked about skating, life , and whether or not they thought the "new" Katy perry was hot. After about an hour of Nico ignoring me, I stormed out of the building and never went back in. I was sitting outside for a good 15 minutes before Nico comes out to.

"What's up with you?" He asks. I give him a confused look and stand up to face him.

"What do you mean what's up with me? I was dragged here to hang out with you and your friends and everyone's been ignoring me all night. If you wanted to be with with them instead of me tonight, you could have just said that."

Nicos eyebrows arch up in surprise and he says, "What are you even talking about? We're all hanging out. Or we were until you had a fit and stormed away. Do you know how embarrassing that looks to have your girlfriend have a temper tantrum in a bar?"

"Okay, first off, I didn't have a temper tantrum, Nico. I'm pissed off and I have the right to show it."

I was pretty livid by the comments he's making.

"And second, How dare you say you're the embarrassed one when I've spent this whole night feeling pushed to the side while you and your friends fool off? That's not right. I'm not an accessory you can just drag along with you everywhere."

Nico opens his mouth as if he's going to say something, but then shuts it for a few seconds. He runs his hands through his hair and steps away as if to gather his thoughts or cool down. When he comes back, he simply says, "I'm not going to argue with you about this."

I can't believe this. I have been spilling my heart out to him this whole time and all he can say back is a sentence. I respond with, "We are already arguing! Why are you even out here? You might as well just go inside and be with your friends. It's not like I'm wanted here anyway." My loud voice is beginning to draw attention.

"Oh my god, Cyan just stop!" Nico raises his voice and steps closer to me. "You're making things way bigger than what they are! I followed you out here because I love and care about you. I didn't mean to ignore you all night, I just got carried away and once conversation with the guys start you know it's hard for us to stop. I shouldn't have taken you to this bar if I was going to be spending most of the time talking and drinking with them, I know that was wrong and I'm sorry for that. But you have to communicate with me when things are bothering you. I don't want us to be one of those couples that complain about their relation to everyone else but never open their mouths and work through it with each other."

He was making a good point. "I know. I agree, I don't want us to be like that either. And we were doing so good until now. I just felt a little jealous that other people were getting your attention, I guess. It's fine."

"No, it's not fine. Look,Cyan. I like the boys a lot. It's always a blast when we hang out and I have history with all of them... But I love you. And the bond we have is stronger than any relationship I could have with them. You're the one I want to come home to and talk with after a long day of work, not them. I just hadn't seen them in a long time... So are we good?"

"We're good." I say before giving a tiny smile his way.

Biiiiiitch there's drama soon....

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