With a soft sigh the older vampire gently placed soft kisses on both of her lovers cheeks. Jane pulled her sleeve, a low growl escaping her both in warning but Nova simply sighed.

"I'll come back, but I can't leave them." Nova spoke softly and Jane frowned.

"But we're family." Her words were quite and hit Nova in her core. It took everything for Nova not to change her mind and stay wrapped in their embrace.

The girl breathed in, inhaling their sweet scent before fully pulling away.

"I know, and I promised you that I would never let anything happen to you. I plan on keeping that promise."

Her words rang out across the field as she crossed it, this time meeting the gaze of every being on the field as she spoke again, this time her time deadly. "If anything happens to them, I don't care who you are, I will end you."

Once reaching her previous spot her eyes locked with Aro, and the girl nodded slightly as though giving him a signal to continue. Before he could speak however Caius was already talking.

"Bring out the informant." Caius demanded and seconds later Nova laid eyes on a pretty blonde woman that highly resembled the Denali sisters to her left.

"Is that the child you saw?" Caius questioned, and the woman, Irina looked directly at Renesmee and immediately confusion clouded her features, that confusion morphed into fear as she stumbled over her words.

"I– I don't know." The blonde replied.

"Jane." With his words Nova immediately became interested, now that she knew who the witch twins were, her interest in their abilities peeked.

The red head was severely disappointed however, because Irina spoke again. "She's changed. This child is bigger."

"Than your allegations were false." Nova couldn't find it in herself to be angry with the blonde. Firstly because she was simply trying to uphold the law, and more importantly, it's because of her that Nova got to see them again.  That however, did not mean she would intervene when she died. The red head did however, immediately stop the sisters of the now dead vampire from advancing.

Using her ability Nova stopped them immediately, delving into their mind to stop their legs from moving, holding them perfectly still.

Everyone, par Carlisle and Edward seemed stunned by this action, and Edward used that to his advantage.

"Tanya stop, if we attack now, we'll all die." The bronze haired man pleaded, and Nova ended her control on their bodies, trusting them to be under control.

When the mind reader turned then went to walk back over to his family, though before he could do that he fell to the ground in obvious pain.

Nova watched him then, eyes flitting between Edward and Jane in complete fascination before she saw Bella's shield come up, the translucent barrier preventing her gift. The look of annoyance made Nova's lips twitch in the familiarity of that expression.

Seconds passed and Edward was now standing besides Bella again. Nova also made her way besides the small family, standing slightly in front of them in a protective manner.

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