The Spare Dancer

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My friend Tez has dragged me along to this party. As u can tell I'm not looking forward to it. Who goes out to a party at midnight?
Apparently we do.
Tez has spent hours doing her hair, re - doing her make up and don't ask how long it's taken to choose her clothes!
Me? Well I just can't be bothered with all that.
So here we are outside Paisley Park waiting to go in with a load of others all dressed to with in an inch of there lives.
Tez looks at me and says for the hundredth time " u sure u don't want just a bit of lippy on?"
I agree as I know it's now pointless trying to get out of it.

At midnight on the dot the doors of Paisley Park open and this massive sound of music hits us.
Tez is jumping up and down with excitement, along with the rest of the crowd, I on the other hand just wanna go home.

In through the doors we all go, paying our entrance fee to the staff.
The place is huge! Lights, music, seats and thank god a bar!
I head in that direction.
" rum and coke please " I say to the barman.
"Sorry sweetheart,  the boss doesn't allow alcohol on the premises he replies
Oh for fuck sake, this night is getting worse by the minute!
"Ok a coke then please" I say to the barman, slightly annoyed.
Tez is off in the crowd, dancing away, chatting to anyone in her vasinity.
I find a seat and settle in for the night.

After about an hour, the lights on a stage go up, and there standing in front of the microphone is the man they've been all waiting for...Prince.

Now I must say even I was impressed!
He looked good!
Smart purple suit, purple trademark boots....Hmmm.

The crowd are going wild. ..
Then he speaks. ..

"Hey y'all, nice to see ya!, now no night we have a bit of a problem, our dancer has danced off and we need YOU to dance for her tonight!"

Well the crowd are off the chart! Screams of delight coming from corners of the place.
Me? I'm still in my seat wondering how long this is gonna go on for.

The music from the now apparent band starts up and Prince is off!
Ok.... he can sing  as well as look good. ..

The first one of the 'dancers' joins the stage, jirating her body all over the stage.
Prince, not overly impressed, shakes his head and the 'dancer' is lead towards the stairs off the stage.
This goes on, some 'dancers' are great, some not so much and go the same way the first one went.
Tez has found me again  and sits down beside me.
She's talking to me but I can't hear her in all this nose.
She points to the wash room and I nod in agreement.
We get up and head in that direction.
In the reletively quiet washroom Tez starts re doing her make up yet again while talking to me through the mirror.
" you know u shud get up and dance u know!"
" erm. .. I don't think so Tez!" I say back
"Oh come on you know u are far better than any of them so far" she says while putting her lipstick back on her lips.
"No Tez.... now come on so we can get this over with" I say while pushing her out the washroom door.

As we cross the floor I hear Prince talking again through the mic.
"Now who shud I pick to dance next?"
The spotlight from the stage pans the egar crowd.
"YOU" he points
I look around til it dawns on me.....oh god he wants me up there.
Tez is ecstatic! Pushing me towards the stage. I'm trying to get away but no success.
Prince's hand reaches down for mine.
No getting out of it now!

"Hey baby.....what's your name?" He says
I mutter my name shyly.
The bad strikes up and the opening bars of 'u got the look' blare out.
"Hell,  here goes nothing!" I think to myself.
I feel the beat, listen to the lyrics and off I go into my world I
The song ends and this raucous cheer goes up!
Prince grabs  the mic.
"Wow girl! U can dance!" Turns to the band and says 'darling nikki'
He looks straight at me and says " show me how u grind to this baby"
Well I did always like a challenge lol....
The song started and off I went back into my world. ..

Next thing I remember is being lead off the stage by Prince himself, and taken through a couple of sets of doors.
"Where are we going?" I asked
"To my private rooms" he answers
I suppose I shud have been scared but hey its Prince and I have just shaken everything my mama gave me up on stage so might as well go with it.
We enter this amazing room. Cream in colour, with flashes of gold.
"Take a seat" he says, jesturing with his hand to the nearest seat.
I sit down.
"Would u like a drink or maybe something to eat?" He offers
" a drink would be great thanks " I answer
He hands me a glass of champagne.
So much for no alcohol I thought.
I sip the drink and wait for him to speak.
"Well baby u sure can dance the hell off that stage"
I take another sip of the champagne and reply "thank you"
"You wanna job baby? I've just the place for you in my life." He says while staring closely at me.
"Erm.. well I'm not trained or anything,  I just dance how the music takes me" I say
" Oh baby that just the way I want you" he replies smiling
I'm beginning to get the feeling this is not just about dancing and strangely enough I'm glad.
His hand reaches over and brushes a hair out of my eye. I can feel the electricity between us.
He brushes his tongue over his lips.
Oh lord....its getting warm in here.

"Would u like a personal tour?"He asks me
Too right I would if this room is anything to go by but I reply with "yes that would be lovely" my mother would be proud.

I put my champagne glass down on the table and stand up ready for the tour.
He takes my hand and leads me back through a corridor.
On every wall there is either a picture or an award. I'm in awe of his talent.
He leads me through this warren of hallways, showing me different rooms as we go.
We reach a door, he opens it with a gold love symbol key.
His bedroom I presume.....
He steps back from the doorway and ushers me in ahead of him.
The decor is of course purple. The bed is huge! The size of two double beds at least!
He walks over to the bed and sits down.
He speaks "now, I'm gonna tell u exactly what I want from u, and u tell me a simple yes or no. I want you. It's as simple as that. It's as want your body and mind. I want to dress u, want to care for you, I want it all. I also want u to dance on stage for me. Will u agree to that?"
Wow this man don't mess about!
"And erm.. when would u want this to start? " I ask
"No time like the present is there?" He replies

My brain is shouting no!but my heart is shouting louder yes!
So in that moment I said "yes"
He got off his bed and rapidly began to remove his suit.
This fella don't hang about does he!
Well in for a penny and all that jazz, I start to follow his lead and remove my clothes.
"Wait!" He says
I stop
"Let me undress u" he says
I stand there looking at him as his now naked form approaches me, standing to attendition as he goes.
I feel a touch of nerves.
He hands softly remove my t shirt, next goes the skirt. At that point I'm thankful my underwear matches!
The underwear hits the floor and there we are, face to face, naked and wanton.
He runs his fingers along my arm and takes my hand leading me to his bed.
He climbs on and pulls me on with him.
He lays with his head on a pillow jestering me to do the same.
God his eyes are so sexy. ..
He pulls me close to him, his soft lips reaching for mine.
We kiss, his tongue slowly entering my mouth as if searching for something.
His arms wrapping me in his body.
His legs entwined with mine.
At this moment I feel totally at ease with him, as if I've known him a lifetime.
His hand is moving along my spine, I tingle with pleasure.
I want him. I want him more than I've ever wanted anyone in my life.
We connect.
Slow and easy.
He rolls me onto my back and I wrap my legs around his waist.
I can feel every inch of his hardness in me now, rocking back and forth.
He brushes my hair away so he can see my face, bring his mouth onto mine again.
The pace quickens...I move my hips to meet each thrust of his. Oh lord this is everything I've ever dreamed of.
His body is shining with sweat.
He thrusts in deeper, grinding his manhood as far as it can go.
Electricity begins to fill my body.
He grinds again.
The fire in me is alight.
He grinds again this time looking in my eyes,  he knows.
I erupt in pleasure.
On last thrust and he's with me all the way.
We explode in ecstacy together, his mouth finding mine.

A couple of hours later  I wake.  He's there. Holding me.

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