Chapter Four

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Gryffindor Boy's Dorm - Early Morning

An owl appeared at Harry's window carrying a note. The boys seemed intrigued but Harry refused to let them see it.
He grabbed the note and tucked it in his pocket so he could read it when he was alone.
He went to brush his teeth early so that he'd be alone in the bathroom. He took the crumpled paper out of his pocket and opened it. It read;

Meet me by the lake at five thirty on Wednesday
You know who this is!

It was quite simple but it got the point across.
Harry did as the letter said and sending the letters went on for about a month with no one realising.
And after time, the letters got more and more extravagant and elegant. They started putting lots of hearts and writing the letters and their names in cursive handwriting.

The Lake - Late Afternoon

The both of them were lying by the lake looking up at the sky.
"Hey Draco." Said Harry softly.
"Yeah Harry. What is it?"
"Well, I was wondering. Are we officially boyfriends?" Harry turned to Draco and Draco looked back at him.
"Yes. I suppose we are." Then Draco pulled Harry tightly against him and they stared into each others eyes for a bit.
After about five minutes of staring Harry asked, "are we ever going to come out?"
"Maybe we should. I mean Snape and Mcgonagall already know and they seemed fine with it. But what will the other Slytherins think and worse, what will my father think about us?!" Draco shook his head in disappointment.
"Maybe we shouldn't tell anyone just yet." Said Harry comfortingly, "don't worry about your father just yet."
Draco smiled at Harry and his eyes twinkled. They took each others hand and stood up. Draco went to kiss Harry's forehead but Harry stopped him by kissing him on the lips. They had never properly kissed each other so this was a big thing for them.
Draco wrapped his arms tightly around Harry's waist and Harry wrapped his arms in a hug position round Draco.
Harry rested his head on Draco's shoulder. "We should probably get back." Mumbled Harry.
"Good idea. I never thought I'd every say this to anyone- you especially, I'm in love with you Harry."
"I'm in love with you too Draco. Promise me- if you don't find the love of your life- that'll you'll marry me?!"
"Of course Potter! I'd be honoured to marry you!"
They both laughed and holding hands, made their way back to the school.

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