Chapter 2

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So let's talk about school life. I get the bus to school. It's a big double decker bus that usually has vandalism the walls and chewing gum under the seats (mostly Fae's gum). Anyway me, Emma and Fae sit the upstairs at the very front. Me and Emma sit and the very front on the left and Fae sits behind us. Our main problems on the bus are people throwing gum in Emma's long blonde hair, Fae gets water thrown over her so by the time she's at school she looks like she's had a shower  and I get mean notes chucked ta me about my makeup, hair and clothes.

You can guess who does that Kasie Sophie and their obnoxious friends. We are kind of used to it now, they have been doing it for 3 years. There is probably no way we could stop them from doing this because the bus driver says I don't as long as it doesn't involve me I don't care and the teachers don't care as long as it isn't in their class. So we are at a dead end with them.

After we have gone through that on the bus thinking 'wow this day can't get worse' ... it does. My registration teacher always talks through announcements so Kayleigh Hopper (the class rep) doesn't hear meeting times and Mr Quinton blames it on us so everyday there is a meeting we get blamed and get detention sometimes.

After a horrible start to the day things just get worse!

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