I miss this place so much. And now that I'm back, I'm starting to see how I might not want to leave this place ever again. I might just want to stay here forever.

A few big mugs were sitting on the coffee table and I immediately know it would be granny's famous hot chocolate with marshmallow while hers was jasmine green tea.

I can't believe granny still kept the mug I got her when I was 13- The mug was bright yellow in colour with my messy hand writing scribbled over it probably with a black sharpie. The words read 'Best granny ever. I love you forever'. I smiled at that thought.

The four of us quickly settle in, leaving our luggage by the side as we plopped down on the large brown couch.

Still smiling, I took a sip of the best hot chocolate I have ever tasted and was absolutely delighted. Can't believe I haven't been drinking this for months.

"So..." Grandma drawled as she leaned back into her arm chair, looking at us intently. "Tell me how it is like in Miami!"


I was back in my old room. The one I stayed in when I was much younger, before we moved out to our own house. It was about a  30 minutes drive from granny's house.

Photos of my younger self were placed on a shelve above my bed, displaying all my embarrassing moments.

I took down one of the photo frames and stared at it as I thought about how much easier life was back then, how much more carefree it was. I miss those times.

My fingers ran along the edges of the photo frame and I was surprised that there wasn't any dust. I guess granny had been cleaning these often. My lips curled upwards into a small smile.

"Shailey!" A voice exclaimed from behind me, making me jump in shock as I let the photo frame fall to the ground with a soft thud. Thank god it wasn't glass.

I whipped my head around to see a familiar mop of blond hair, Austin Sky.

"Austin? What are you doing here?" I asked as my eyebrows knitted together in confusion while I stared at him blankly. Boxes were still lying all around the room and to say my room was a mess is definitely an understatement.

"I figured you might need some help," he said with a mere shrug. When I continued to look at him with a blank look plastered across my face, he continued to speak, "Your parents invited my family over for dinner. To talk about the new school and stuff like that."

"Oh," was all I managed to say before I gave him a small smile that didn't quite reach my eyes. "I don't really need any-"

"Is that your baby photos?" Austin asked, his eyes scanning the shelve filled with my embarrassing baby photos, I was even in a bath tub in of one of the pictures. He stepped closer to examine them and I quickly ran to cover his eyes.

"Oh my god, it's embarrassing. Please don't look at it," I begged, my hands still over his eyes.

"But you looked so cute," he cooed, reaching forward to grab one of them as soon as my hands were off his face.

"No," I deadpanned.

"Fine, I won't look," he retracted his hands immediately and raised them up in mock surrender. His lips were curved upwards into a small smirk.

"Good," I mumbled as I let out a breath. I bend forward to pick up the photo frame I dropped on the floor earlier and placed it back on the shelf. Of course Austin would still be looking at my pictures. "Quit staring, you creep," I joked.

He let out a laugh. "Alright, alright. Do you need help with anything?" He asked kindly.

"Not really, I can just do this on my own," I told him as I shifted the boxes around, ready to unpack my stuff.

"Aw come on, where's the fun in that?" He said, crossing his arms a crossed his chest with a small pout on his face, making me chuckle a little.

"Alright, you can help."

"Great!" He chirped, a bright smile on his face as he scooted over next to me while I unpacked my clothings. "What can I help ya with? I can shift heavy stuff for you, you know?" He said, flexing his arm muscles at me.

"Oh please, Austin. Stop flexing what you don't have," I teased and watched the smile on his face fell.

"Ouch," he muttered, feigning hurt as he placed one hand on his chest to which I responded with a laugh.

"Give me a second," I told him as I heard my phone buzzing somewhere. The buzzing lasted 20 seconds and before I could answer, Jax hung up.

I immediately called him back, and soon enough, he picked up.

"I thought you were starting to forget about me when you didn't pick up your phone," Jax said from the other end and I could picture with with a small pout on his face as he said so.

"How can I ever forget about you? I was just busy unpacking and I couldn't find my phone you know."

"Well I don't, but now that you said it, I do."

I laughed.

"How are you doing?" He asked.

"Great actually. I can finally see granny again and I-"

"You mean you aren't sad that you are a thousand miles away from me? Because I sure am."

"Aw Jax... Of course I am. I'm already starting to-"

"Yo, Shailey. Who are you busy talking to?" Austin asked as he came to stand beside me. "Is that Jax?" I nodded lightly.

"Who's that?" I heard Jax asked and I knew at that point I was in deep shit. I couldn't lie to Jax, that wouldn't be fair. He's ought to know someday.

"Jax... I... I..." I stuttered as a million thoughts were swimming through my mind and I can't think straight at all. I couldn't even form a proper sentence right now and I felt my heart thumping loudly against my chest, threatening to burst out any second.

"It's me, Austin."

Crap, how do you think Jax is gonna react?? Since he found out that Austin is going to be with Shailey at Boston while they are a thousand miles apart? And the fact that she kept it a secret made it worse.

Leave a comment telling me what you think Jax's reaction would be. I'm excited to hear what y'all got in mind!! 😊

This is a longer chapter to make up for the lack of update recently and just so you know, I have exams in 3 days and I'm so screwed HAHA

Anyway, thank you for your support thus far and I appreciate all my readers. Don't forget to vote, comment and share if you enjoy this chapter!! Do follow me for updates as well!! 💓

Have a lovely day everyone! 💖

Much love,
Rachel xoxo

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