✧ e i g h t ✧

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It was already 4 which was pretty late considering we got here around 9 o' clock. So we took an Uber back home which felt like the quickest ride everrr!

"You open the door" Jenny says looking scare of what's about to happen.

"There's no way I'm doing that. Plus you're the savage one here not me" I say trying to convince her.

"It was your plan not mine!" She says really loud which led to our parents opening the door for us.

"We need to talk" Mom says with the straightest face you can imagine.

"Go upstairs and pack all your things" Dad then says letting us in. But what does he mean exactly?

We both go upstairs and when I open my door I find two suitcases on top of my bed. Are they actually serious? Where are they even sending us??

I look back and mom was standing by the door. She had that disappointed look on her face and just came inside sitting at the tip of my bed.

"You're going to your Grandmas." She says tearing up a little.

"Which one?" I ask in confusion

"The one in Los Angeles" she answered while getting up

"But I love her" I say even more confuse than before.

She then walks towards the door and turns around.

"Well you guys listen to her more than me" she says actually crying. I felt so bad for her. This was definitely not what I was expecting. Does she even know that Joey lives in LA!?

T o m o r r o w M o r n i n g

*beep beep

Is all I hear at 6 o clock in the morning. I look outside my window and there was grandma. Are we leaving already??

"Samira get up we have to go!" Jenny says running into my room.

"I'm not running away again Jenny." What is she even thinking.

"No stupid Dad didn't tell you? He said we have to be ready by 6 since grandma is stopping by eating breakfast, and then we're out of here!" She explains which got me shook. They really want to get rid of us..

I get up and just throw some sweatpants on with a sweet shirt and brushed my teeth as fast as I could.

I then hear a knock at my door, so I told them to come in. Dad asked if I was ready which I was obviously not but I went downstairs with him anyways.

"Hi girls!" Grandma said giving us both a hug

"I was visiting your Dad's family and oh my surprise when I heard what you guys did!" She said nodding her head sideways.

"Your parents had to cancel the trip. You had them so worried." She adds.

We then ate pancakes with some eggs, then brought our suitcases down and put them inside the taxi's trunk.

After we finished, We hugged our parents goodbye.

"You're way taller than I remember" grandma said while I got in the car.

"Anyways I can't wait till you tell me about the lucky boy who made it to the family group chat?" She said hitting my shoulder. She was always the gossip family member in the family. She would always tell me things that was going on.

"His name is Joey.. Joey Birlem" I say looking over at Jenny.

"I need more than that! Keep talking I want to know everything" she said, and we all laughed

"I'm serious though. Tell me more!" She added and let me tell you; it was a long ride.

| 11:11 | J.M.BWhere stories live. Discover now