V- look out ur window.

I saw her come towards her window and she laughed before opening it.

I saw her hurriedly go back after a minute.

V- y u leave??

I saw her come back 5 minutes later.

B- I threw up...

V- hope u feel better

B- thx. Not to be a mom or anythin but u should head to school.

V- I will. See ya L8R B!

I turned my phone off and walked away towards school.

I hope she's okay.

Jughead's POV:

As I walked into school, I saw the halls full of people.

Regular popular girls gossiping about who knows what.

The jocks who pass by and may or may not shoved me into a locker once or twice a day.

But there's some people who are actually pretty nice.

I mean, Archie and I were best friends but now we're just...


Veronica and I?


Kevin and I?

I can't even start to describe that kid...

Betty and I?

Betty. I love her.

I loved her when I first laid eyes on her.

There was something about her that always drew my attention and whenever she walks by or talks to me she makes my heart beat faster.

If you didn't know, Betty and I are together.

She always come up to my locker everyday and we would always talk...but today was different.

I went to my locker and grabbed my books for my first class and she didn't show up.

I wondered where she was.

I saw Veronica at her locker talking to Archie.

Archie walked away a few seconds later and I went up to her. "Have you seen Betty?"

"Awww Romeo worried about Juliet?"

"Just answer my question Veronica." I said while rolling my eyes.

"She's sick Prince Charming."

"How do you know?"

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