Chapter 1 | Back In Time

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This is the first chapter for this story, it's a bit messy but I tried my best.
I really hope you enjoy! I tried to add a little bit of Batbro Fluff.



|Third Person|

Jason, Tim, and Damian were all hiding in different places in the warehouse, Batman and Grayson gave them a mission to look for the Joker. His last sighting was by Cat women in this warehouse but the boys knew it could have changed, if the joker was smart enough.

Damian was hiding above ground on the wooden beams above the floor.
Tim was behind some crates in a darkened area, and right around Tim was Jason who was also behind some crates.
The boys waited for any signs of the Joker at the moment.

"This is so lame... " Jason spoke into the ear bud, which was in a call with both his brothers.

"Yeah, the least Dick could have done was give up a better mission" Tim said.

Damian Snickered, "Your both just upset that he gave us this mission and not Batman" he said smugly.

"Shut up demon" Jason said. "I bet he was forced by batman anyway" Jason added.
"He probably started early and got a head start..." Jason added to his comment.

"Are you sure? He's been independent lately... Anyway I still can't find any other clues of the Joker being here at the moment... Maybe this place is abandoned" Tim said.

"If it is then what's that?" Damian said, he was suggesting to the strange object connected to the wall.
"We should take it back to the flying Dick and Old man" Jason said standing up from his hiding spot and starting over towards the strange object.

"we should ask Batman first, in case it's trouble" Tim said.
"Stop being a goody two shoes Timmy" Damian said jumping from his hiding spot and landing next to Jason.

They both looked at the device.
Tim started over, "I'm not a goody two shoes! I'm just more loyal then you and Jason!" Tim said crossing his arms.
Jason and Damian looked at eachother in shock.
"As if!" they screamed together.
"If your not a goody two shoes then I dare you to turn on this thing" Jason chuckled pointing to the strange device.

"Why would I do that!?" Tim yelled.
"Well see, you wouldn't because your such an angel" Damian said glaring off along with Jason to act uninterested.

"I know what you two are doing it won't work!" Tim crossed his arms sure of himself.

"Oh yeah, well then me and Jason will just have a crack at it!" Damian yelled leaning over to lift up the device.

"STOP YOU'LL MESS UP!" Tim screamed grabbing it from Damian.
"No I won't!" Damian yelled back.

"Ladies Ladies, let the older brother handle this" Jason said grabbing at it as well.

Soon enough all the boys hands were latched onto the Device and shaking it back and forth to eachother.
"Your going to break it Todd!" yelled Tim.
"Hahaha! That's what you think short stuff!" Jason screamed. "Hey Demon Spawn!! Quit pulling it over to yourself!"

"Shut up Todd! I can do whatever I want!" Damian screamed back. Although now the device was flashing blue.

"Shit what did we do?!" Yelled Jason.
"Language!" Tim screamed at Jason.
Damian and Jason laughed a bit.

The device started to heat up making Tim and Jason drop it into Damians hands.
"Ha! Losers!" Damian yelled.
"Gargh!" Damian dropped the device due to the heat burning his hands.

"Uh oh.. " Jason said grabbing His brother's.
He held Tim by the shoulders and Damian by his hood.
"What's happening to it?!" Yelled Tim.
"Well we obviously broke it.. " Damian muttered.

The room started to flash bright colors as Jason grabbed his brothers back from the object.


Suddenly the device stopped and Jason opened his eyes. "What happened?" he muttered blinking his eyes. He released his brother's and looked upwards.

"I don't know... But everything looks normal" Damian said walking over to the device.

"Now can we call Bats?" Tim said crossing his arms.
"Hey it's cold now" Damian said picking up the device.
"Nah we don't need the bats, lets get this back to the cave and tell Grayson what happened" Jason said

"Alright" replied Tim and Damian, they started outside and realized how the abandoned warehouse looked... un-abandoned.
"uh oh... " Jason said looking at his brother's. "Did we do something wrong?" Tim asked.
"Maybe the device fixed the warehouse?" Damian added.

Before the boys had time to focus on what was going on a flash from afar came, it sounded like gun-shots but they weren't sure.

"Should we check it out?" Asked Tim.
Jason nodded "Maybe it's the joker... It would be best to check it out ad for that device" Jason walked over to Damian and picked it up dropping it in his pocket. "I'll hold on to it, for now" he said, Damian looked at him "Whatever... " he muttered crossing his arms.

"Alright let's go check out those gun-shots" Tim said.

The boys started in the direction of gun-shots. Jason held back his brother's and hid them behind some box's, in front of the box's were three old men, they looked to be talking about something serious but it was hard to hear.

"Yeah once those brats show up will ambush them" the tallest man said.

"We have everything right?" asked a older looking man the other two nodded, "We these weapons we could take down an entire city, those brats don't stand a chance"

Jason looked at his brothers and started to think of what they were talking about.
"What did he mean brats?" Damian asked quietly.
"maybe he ment us?" Tim asked, Jason shrugged.
"On the count of three, alright?" he said looking at his brother's they both nodded in response.

Damian held onto his Kantana as Tim grasped his smoke bombs, a Jason held onto a Gun, unlike his brothers he didn't obey the rules all the time.





A gun went off from behind the boys and yelling was heard.


I know it's a little short but this is all I could do at the moment ;-; I hope you liked it, next chapter will be out soon!!! Don't worry!

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