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*Myra's Pov*

There have been many changes the last couple of weeks in Kings Landing. One of the most important was the movement of resources and people. Daenerys ordered the recovery of all resources in the surrounding area including wood, lumber, fruit, vegetables, and grain to prepare for the coming threat. Families in Kings Landing and those that lived in the surrounding countryside were also allowed residence in the castle walls. Specifically below the castle as it would be safer.

Over the past couple weeks many scrolls were also exchanged back and forth between Daenerys and Night's Watch lord commander Eddison Tollett at the wall for updates. It was reported that the White Walkers were about 3 days away and much help would be needed. We were yet to hear what Daenerys planned to do.

"Mom I need my blanket, don't rush me!" Isabella yelled grabbing her blanket and stuffing it into her bag. "Calm down Isabella, and stop yelling, Mom is just worried" I replied patting her on the shoulder. She shrugged me hand off and glared causing me to chuckle.

"Mom do you need any help?" I asked turning toward her as she quickly stuffed clothes into the bag in the bed beside her. "Myra, I knew this day would be coming a while back. I have been prepared since we got here" she smirked at me.
This move had really helped my mom. I think moving away from home where fathers memories were strongest was a good thing.
Her demeanor quickly changed however. She quietly gazed at me for a second before running into my arms almost causing me to stumble.
"Be careful" she whispered hugging me tightly before pulling away wiping her tears away.

Putting both her hands on my shoulders she continued, "the queen will probably ask you to come with her to battle when the time comes." "Like she minds that" Isabella stated sarcastically smirking at me causing me to glare at her. My mom raised her eyebrow in confusion before continuing.
"Just know I will always be there with you, no matter what. Please come back to me. I don't know what I would do if I lost you and your father..." she uttered quietly. I smiled sadly and squeezed her hand in assurance.

"I will be back, don't worry." I turned toward Isabella, "take care of Mom while I'm gone. I probably won't be able to visit the next few days because of preparation."
"Don't worry just protect the queen, alright. I will help mom move everything into the castle" Isabella winked at me. I nodded.

Isabella was normally a very sarcastic easy going person, but in this moment her eyes betrayed her. While she acted composed and collected, worry clouded her eyes as I stepped outside to take my leave. I waved slightly before trudging back to the castle in silence.

"I say we just storm the place and burn them with my 3 dragons" Daenerys said crossing her arms turning to look at Tyrion. "Your dragons are strong, don't get me wrong, but would u really want to risk something happening to them?" Tyrion replied looking at Daenerys to which she remained silent in thought.
"Brute force would work best. We notify John Snow in the north and the other houses who have sworn an oath to come when called upon. Then we take the war to them and storm the White Walkers with dragon glass" Jorah stated looking around the room for agreement.

"That is a stupid idea. We should use all our strengths that would give us an advantage, like The Wall for instance. It's huge and great for protection!" Tyrion stated. Many murmured in agreement causing Jorah to sit down angrily, and me to roll my eyes.

This debate had been going on for hours now, as suggestions were thrown back and forth to no avail. Daenerys sighed, "I need time to think about this. Tomorrow I will make my decision. We will resume tomorrow." Everyone stood up and started to exit the room including myself. Before I could leave however a voice stopped me, "Myra, I need to speak with you."

I turned around and glanced at Daenerys as she sat upon her throne. That familiar feeling again took over as our eyes met.
The room was now empty save for 2 unsullied soldiers guarding the doors.
I walked towards the stone steps before bowing and meeting her blue eyes again.
She stood up and walked toward me smiling at me in being one of the lucky few to have seen her beautiful smile.
I returned her smile and shivered as she looped her arm with mine and walked toward the door with me in tow.

"Has your family transitioned safely?" she asked as we walked down the hall. I turned to her in shock that she was asking about my family at all. I quickly recovered before responding. "The last I heard they were making their way toward the castle."
"Good" she responded simply staring straight ahead. I couldn't concentrate with her griping my arm, my face heating up at the contact.
I cleared my throat as we continued our walk in silence.
It was broken when the young queen spoke again. "I noticed you were quiet throughout the meeting" she said turning to look at me for the first time. "Why is that?" I glanced up at her before averting my eyes back down to the floor below.
"I didn't think I had anything important to add" I trailed off.
We had finally reached her room causing her to let go of my arm and me to release a sigh in relief. I could now breath easier.

Before she entered her room she turned back toward me looking me up and down before speaking.
"What do you think I should do?" she asked quietly. My eyes widened in shock. Why was she asking me of all people what to do when she had many advisers of greater experience and rank?

"I think you should do what you think is right" I said looking at her. "The heart is never wrong."
Those words held more of a double meaning to me than I think she recognized. Her eyes gleamed before she smiled slightly and whispered a quick "goodnight" before entering her room and shutting to door behind her.

*Daenerys Pov*

Myra was different. I don't know what it was but it was intriguing to me in more ways than one. It made me want to know her, the real her. All her fears, hopes, and dreams. The last time I felt this way was with Drogo and that didn't end up to well. I loved him and lost him due to my own selfish reasons. After him I never bothered with love. If I had to marry due to my duty as queen I would, but it would not mean
a thing to me.

Normally I didn't bother interacting with my subjects beyond a hello or something business related. But I couldn't help it with Myra. She drew me in with her wise green eyes, and caring demeanor. I couldn't help but ask for her opinion tonight. She continues to surprise me with her fighting ability and brilliant mind. Her response surprised me, though I didn't let it show.

Instead of going on about what she believed to be right as most do when I give them the opportunity, she chose to focus on me and my own beliefs. Drogo was like that as well, fiercely protective but also extremely caring.

She doesn't know that I heard what she said in the pit a couple days ago. Wanting to get away for a second I took a walk alone and passed to pit on my way back. The yelling was obvious, and Jorahs words were very hurtful and cruel.
I felt enraged and started toward the entrance, but quickly stopped when I heard Myra's voice.

Hearing her response caused me to tear up. I hadn't cried since Drogo died, and those unconscious tears shocked me tremendously. My respect for her rose drastically that day and I have no doubt it will continue to do so. At the end of that day I could feel scorched heart finally beating again after so many years.

Surprise I decided to put Dany's Pov in :p Decided it was time for you all to know what she was thinking. My chapters will normally be 1000> words, sorry if they are to short. Today's was around 1400. Thanks for reading!


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