The Imp

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A few characters are oofc... it's just my take on it. We all need that asshole in the story, makes things more interesting :p I actually don't mind Jorah lol. Sorry if things get a little vulgar.
*Myra's Pov*

In order to improve technically I turned to Greyworm for help. He was currently one of the most skilled fighters in Kings Landing. At least that was what I believed.

For the past couple weeks we had been training everyday after hours in the pit. I could feel myself improving immensely, and getting a lot stronger physically. My arms were now more defined and no longer hurt as much after hours of training.

Jorah had also been getting on my nerves quite a bit the last few weeks, constantly bragging to the other warriors about having breakfast with Daenerys in her chambers as though she was some sort of prize he won. It angered me no end. She was a person....a queen, not a thing that could be passed around like some sort of trophy.

Today was one of those days. Standing in the middle of a large group of other warriors was Jorah. They were clearly listening intently to his every word.
"The breakfast was amazing. But you know I wouldn't mind eating her for breakfast instead" he smirked arrogantly while the other men laughed around him. My jaw clenched in anger as I silently began to pack up my equipment. I had to get out of there before I did something I would regret.

"She's a feisty little thing, wouldn't mind having her in my bed every night. I wonder if she likes it rough" he added cockily laughing along with the rest of the group.
"Don't you think so Myra, wouldn't she be such a tight fuck?" he called over to me just as I began to walk away.
I froze. "Ah you don't have a cock so you wouldn't know" he laughed. "She only likes cock, not pussy."
I snapped and stomped up to Jorah. "Shut up! She is not some sort of trophy you can shit on. She's a Queen...a beautiful, strong, honest, and caring woman with more balls than any of you. How dare you talk about your Queen like that! Say that to her face and see what happens" I yelled. Everyone was completely silent. "You all got no balls" I said picking up my weapons before making my way out of the pit.

After what happened in the pit I needed fresh air to calm down. Making my way to the palace gardens I lay down on a nearby rock and stared up at the sky. Before I knew it I had fallen asleep.

Up until this point I had never seen heard of Tyrion, or the Imp as I had learned many of the guards called him. Greyworm told me he had  gone for the last month running errands for Daenerys. As hand of the Queen he was in charge in many of the Queens financial affairs, leading him to be in Bravos for the last couple weeks.

I ran into him in passing as I was on my way to the palace armory to sharpen my sword. The imp waddled down the hall with his hands behind his back.
"A new face. I don't think I have seen you before" he paused in the hallway looking up at me. 
I turned around and paused before stretching my hand out in greeting. "The names Myra. And you are?"
"Tyrion Lannister, hand of the queen" he replied reaching for my hand. Upon hearing his name I snapped my hand back to my side and glared at him. He carefully put his hand back to his side and looked up at me questioningly.

"I've heard of you before from my father. He told me Lannisters were not to be trusted. Because of your father mine died at the Red Wedding" I said glaring at him menacingly. What passed over his face was a mixture of shock, followed by a slight smirk. He paused before continuing.
"Sharp tongue you got there. Like the Queen I too wish to not be judged based on my last name. I had nothing to do with your fathers death. And who may your father be?" he asked.
"My father was right hand man to Harrion Karstark, loyal supporter of Robb Stark. His name was Barron Oriswell."

"I see. Your father was a brave man. Loyalty is hard to find now a'days. Everyone can be bought wether it be with money, sex, or both. That's just how it is" Tyrion stated. "I would never betray Daenerys" I stated firmly. "I was not implying that you would. I can tell just by your demeanor you are one of the loyal ones" he hastily added raising his hands in defense.
I nodded in agreement.
"I've met others like you, so smitten with Daenerys that they have become blinded to temptation" Tyrion said causing me to look up in surprise.

"What makes you say that?" I questioned hastily looking everywhere but at the small man in front of me. If anyone told Daenerys about my feelings who knows what would happen! It certainly wouldn't be positive.
"You have very expressive eyes" he said carefully before continuing. "No matter how hard ones exterior is their eyes always portray true emotion. You, my friend, are exactly like that. Come walk with me" he said gesturing me to walk forward. As we started down the hallway he continued.

"I assume you have met Jorah and Darrio" Tyrion stated glancing at me in question. I simply nodded in reply. "Both men at one time were very close with the Queen, Darrio in more ways than one." "What do you mean?"

"Darrio for a brief period of time was Daenerys' hookup partner, that was before she took over the seven kingdoms. Jorah was a similar situation except he pursued her at a more emotional level. Not surprisingly he fell in love with her, just like many other males in Westeros. Darrio and Jorah are both men who fell in love with a woman that would never love them in return. Their love was never reciprocated and it impacted them both differently. Darrio gravitated toward hooking up with any woman he could find to mask the pain of rejection, while Jorah became an ignorant prick, clearly seen in his everyday attitude. It's sad...both were good men" Tyrion sighed shaking his head.
"That makes a lot of sense actually. I always catch Jorah glaring at me when Daenerys talks to me" I stated.
"All I can say is don't become one of them" He added patting my shoulder and stopping at a door in the hallway we were walking down. "Well this is me" Tyrion trailed off. "I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors. Just be careful, dj t get your heart broken" he added walking inside and closing the door behind him.

The conversation I had with Tyrion really opened my eyes to a lot of the events I witnessed around me, like why Jorah was always glaring at me and Darrios many "stories". However, at the same time it frightened me. Every time I'm around Daenerys I feel as though I can't breathe. My heart beats faster and my hands get clammy. Is that what love feels like? Maybe.

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter. More Daenerys action next chapter :p I wanted to introduce Tyrion because I love him, he's so funny. I will try to post every week. Vote and comment for more!


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